The Slow Acceptance Of BPHTB DKI Jakarta

JAKARTA - The DKI Regional Tax and Retribution Agency (BPRD) calculates the realization of DKI's annual tax revenue from 12 days to the end of the year. As a result, tax realization still reached 87.5 percent.

"Revenue realization is at Rp39 trillion, from the tax revenue target based on the 2019 APBD Amendment of Rp.44.5 trillion," said Head of BPRD DKI, Faisal Syafruddin when confirmed, Wednesday, December 18.

Of the 13 types of taxes, the difference between the realization of the tax on the acquisition of land and building rights (BPHTB) is the farthest from the revenue target. DKI has just received BPHTB of IDR 5.4 trillion, while the target is IDR 9.5 trillion.

BPHTB is a regional levy on the sale and purchase of land and buildings on assets that have a tax object sale value (NJOP) of more than IDR 2 billion. In fact, Faisal had predicted long ago that his party would not be able to achieve the BPHTB revenue target this year. Faisal said the reason for the difficulty in achieving BPHTB from the revenue target was due to the sluggish transactions of the notary association.

"Indeed, during 2019 there were very few transactions that resulted in (a decrease in income) BPHTB. This is because it is related to transactions, so we cannot force it. But for BPHTB in the price that has been collected by the developer, that is what we press to pay immediately to BPRD. , "explained Faisal.

The sluggishness of transactions related to the property sector this year is indeed recognized. The Association of Indigenous Indonesian Entrepreneurs (HIPPI) stated that the reason for the sluggish property sector transactions is sluggish because people tend to hold back their money to invest in the midst of global and unstable national economic turmoil.

In the midst of sluggish BPHTB revenues, Faisal is still optimistic that tax realization can still be covered thanks to other tax revenues. Based on BPRD data, there are four types of taxes that have exceeded the target, including groundwater tax (PAT), restaurant tax, street lighting tax (PPJ), and parking tax.

"The realization of PAT is Rp120 billion from the target of Rp110 billion. Parking tax is already Rp.535.3 billion from the target of Rp525 billion. For PPJ, Rp.814 billion is from the target of Rp810 billion. Meanwhile, the biggest difference is in restaurant tax, which is already Rp3.57 trillion from the target of Rp3. 55 trillion, "said Faisal.

In addition, Faisal estimated that several other types of taxes would follow soon to exceed the target by the end of the fiscal year. For example, the motor vehicle fuel tax (PBBKB) reached IDR 1.25 trillion from the IDR 1.27 trillion target. Followed by advertisement tax of IDR 1.02 trillion from the target of IDR 1.05 trillion and entertainment tax which was realized IDR 825.3 billion from the target of IDR850 billion.

Meanwhile, other types of taxes still have quite large differences, so that they will continue to be optimized towards the end of the year-end book closing. Then, BPRD is currently also keen to pursue potential taxes that have not been disbursed, such as buildings and business premises that have not paid their obligations, as well as luxury vehicle tax arrears.