A Series Of Police Investigations To Summarize Metro TV Suicide Editor

JAKARTA - The police have concluded that Metro TV editor Yodi Prabowo died of suicide. This is based on the evidence gathered and the examination of a number of witnesses.

However, the family was disappointed with the results of the investigation. This is because they are still convinced that his family members are victims of murder.

For this reason, VOI summarized the results of the investigation until the police finally concluded that Yodi stretched by committing suicide.

At the beginning of the investigation, the police suspected that Yodi was a victim of murder and robbery. Because, when he was first found on the side of the JORR Toll Road, Ulujami, Pesanggrahan, South Jakarta, on July 10, there were several stab wounds on his chest and neck.

The emergence of these allegations was not only found stab wounds. The location where Yodi's body was found, which is known as an area where there is no activity, strengthens the initial suspicion.

But as the investigation process progressed, the allegations of the victim of robbery or robbery were not proven. The reason was, Yodi's valuables were not missing. Motorcycles, wallets and cell phones were found in the vicinity of the incident.

With the evidence that the alleged robbery was not proven, the suspicion that Yodi was killed is strong. Moreover, several witnesses, including Suci, who is Yodi's lover, said there were indications that point to an element of murder.

Several times Suci had stated that her lover died because of a third person behind her relationship. In addition, two witnesses who are local residents also said they had seen the suspected perpetrator.

However, there is no strong evidence to confirm that these allegations are the motive for Yodi's murder. Until finally, it was exactly two weeks since the police revealed that the Metro TV editor had died due to suicide.

The conclusion that was very surprising for the Yodi family was claimed based on the results of the investigation. Some of them are DNA examinations of hair and fingerprints on the knives found at the scene.

The hair, which was thought to belong to the perpetrator, was taken to the Forensic Laboratory (Labfor) for examination. However, it was stated that the hair belonged to Yodi. Likewise about knives. There are no fingerprints other than those of the victim.

"Meanwhile, fingerprints have been found, are fingerprints of the victim and also the victim's own DNA," said Head of Public Relations of the Jakarta Metro Police, Kombes Yusri Yunus.

In addition, based on the results of the investigation, it was found that no scars were found due to blunt force impacts. Previously, bruises were found around the neck. Thus, there is an allegation that Yodi was mistreated before being killed.

"The results of forensic medicine were no beatings and no blunt object hit the victim. The victim was purely a stab in the chest and neck. This resulted in the victim's death," said Yusri.

Even from the knife, the police could deduce the motive for the case. Based on the search results, the knife was owned by Yodi, which he bought before leaving for work.

Director of the Directorate of General Criminal Investigation at Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Tubagus Ade Hidayat, said that Yodi's process of buying a knife in one of the shops was also recorded by surveillance cameras which were used as evidence. Thus, the motive for suicide is getting stronger.

"The knife is strongly suspected of being a tool that injures it. The knife has a special brand, namely Ace Hardware. Only the shop sells the knife," said Tubagus.

"When we checked the shop, in the past week, only one knife of that type was sold. Then the CCTV was checked, and it was discovered that the knife was bought by the victim himself," he continued.

Apart from that, the police also investigated Yodi's financial transactions. It was from there that Yodi had made a payment for a consultation transaction to a genital dermatologist at Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital (RSCM) using a BCA debit card.

Besides that, Yodi also checks the HIV virus. This virus is transmitted through sexual contact or the use of drug syringes. However, the police did not say whether Yodi was HIV positive or not.

"Until then, the results have not been taken by him. But whether consultation at a venereal disease doctor is related to suicide, could be very related. But, this requires forensic psychology information," said Tubagus.

In fact, from the results of the urine examination, it was stated that Yodi had consumed amphetamines which were estimated to have been two to three days before the examination.

"We screened the drug in the victim's urine. We found that there was a positive amphetamine content. The estimated use was two to 3 days before the examination," said Tubagus.

Amphetamines are drugs that can affect the nervous system in humans. The effect of taking amphetamines is a sense of calm, pleasure, and courage.

Tubagus suspects that Yodi feels depressed because of personal problems. Then, the intention to commit suicide is getting stronger with the use of the amphetamine drug.

This drug also triggered Yodi to commit suicide by multiple stabbings. Yodi stabbed his chest 4 times. There are stab wounds that only go to the muscle tissue, there are deeper punctures that penetrate the lungs.

Meanwhile, in the neck, the knife cut cut Yodi's throat but did not cut the blood vessels. Apart from that there were no other injuries, only bruises from blunt force collisions.

"The effect of this amphetamine increases extraordinary courage. Do not compare this with normal people. Therefore, what must be measured (from the use of amphetamines) is how to perform actions that are not carried out by normal people," he said.

With a series of the results of the police investigation, it strengthens the conclusion that Yodi died as a result of suicide.

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