This Is The Reason The San Francisco Giants Pitcher Refused To Kneel Before The Match

JAKARTA - San Francisco Giants pitcher, Sam Coonrod made a scene. He refused to kneel as part of the movement to support Black Lives Matter.

Giants players on their knees ahead of their MLB (Major Laegue Baseball) season opener against the Los Angeles Dodgers on the evening of Thursday, July 24. But not Coonrod.

"I'm a Christian," Coonrod told TMZ Sports.

"I just thought that I wouldn't kneel for anything other than God," he continued.

Coonrod then said that he also could not follow the Black Lives Matter movement because according to him it was more inclined towards Marxism.

"I can't agree with that."

Sam Conrood refuses to kneel when MLB begins (Photo: Marca)

Coonrod said he did not know about the action the players would take before the match when a teammate informed him of what was going to happen.

He decided not to kneel, and by then it was too late to talk to anyone about his decision.

Coonrod said he had no chance to talk to his teammates, including African-American outfielder Jaylin Davis, who has spoken most of the Black Lives Matter in recent weeks.