Ministry Of Social Affairs: 346 Positive COVID-19 Children Treated By Social Workers

JAKARTA - Director General of Social Rehabilitation of the Ministry of Social Affairs Harry Hikmat said that 346 children in 25 provinces in Indonesia tested positive for COVID-19 and are now receiving treatment from social workers.

"There are direct efforts to exposed children and this is being carried out by social workers throughout Indonesia based on reports of complaints as well as references. So there are large children's centers, children's social homes, children's social health institutions that we mobilize to anticipate any risks. the worst in children, "said Harry as quoted from the site, Sunday, July 26.

He explained, in the process of handling children infected with COVID-19, social workers do not only approach children.

They, continued Harry, also approached parents and families online to provide an understanding that when a child is infected with COVID-19, the parents cannot always be there.

"For that we also approach not only children but also parents and their families through online media," he said.

This online service, he said, can be accessed via the TePSA hotline number 1500771. "The Sahabat Anak phone is often used for referrals, for complaints that are followed up by social workers and these efforts are made online," said Harry.

To support the assistance provided by social workers, Harry said that the Ministry of Social Affairs has collaborated with the COVID-19 Task Force, BNPB, Unicef, and other institutions such as the Tunas Cilik Foundation to issue guidelines. Especially a guide to maintaining your own health.

"We have issued guidelines for social workers on how to maintain their own health as social workers, and how to handle cases of children exposed to COVID-19 as well as handling for their families," he concluded.