Pemkab Gunung Kidul Continue To Try Opening Of Tourist Attractions

JAKARTA - The number of COVID-19 cases in the Gunung Kidul Regency area, Yogyakarta Special Region has increased. However, the local government continues to test the opening of a tourist attraction with a limited number of visitors.

"The local government continues the trial because the tourism sector is the driving force of the community's economy," said Secretary of the Gunung Kidul Tourism Office, Harry Sukmono, in Gunung Kidul. Launching Antara, Sunday, July 26.

Regarding the spike in positive cases of COVID-19, Harry Sukmono said that his party is still conducting trials on a number of tourist attraction areas. Nevertheless, it will be more stringent in implementing standard operational implementation (SOP) of health protocols in tourism.

"While we are still doing trials with tightening in accordance with the Circular of the DIY Tourism Office so that there is no closure in tourist areas. Even so, we hope that visitors will still prioritize health protocols," said Harry Sukmono.

With this spike in positive cases, it actually also has an impact on the anxiety of officers who directly touch tourists. Although from the start, officers in the TPR, for example, have followed a protocol with the use of personal protective equipment.

For this reason, he hopes that the Task Force for the Acceleration of Handling COVID-19 will carry out a rapid test or swab for a number of officers. This is because Dispar does not have the budget for these tests.

As is known, the Gunung Kidul Regency Government continues the trial to open a limited tourist attraction which will end on Friday.

The tourist objects opened include Kali Suci, Nglanggeran Purba Volcano, Baron-Kukup Beach and its surroundings, Ngingrong digital geosite destinations, Buron Gesing Beach area, Kesirat and glass terraces, Timang Beach, Sundak Beach, Sepanjang Beach, Watu Kodok Beach , and Drini Beach.

Next, Kosakora Hill, Slili Beach, Sadranan Beach, Ngandong Beach, Sundak Beach, Wedi Ombo Beach, Watu Lumbung Beach, Krakal Beach, Watu Gupit, Segoro Peak tourist attraction, Watu Payung Geoforest, Panggang Derivative, and Sri Getuk waterfall, Bleberan.