The National Police Ensures That The BKO Personnel Guarding The 2021 Simultaneous Pilkades In Pandeglang Regency Have Undergone An Examination

PANDEGLANG - The Banten Regional Police's Bidpropam Provos Subbid has checked the National Police personnel who will carry out security for the simultaneous village head elections in the Pandeglang Regency, Banten Province, Saturday, October 16.

Banten Police Chief IJP Dr. Rudy Heriyanto through Head of Propam Banten Police Kombes Pol Drs.H.Nursyah Putra said that ahead of securing the Pilkades in Pandeglang district, the Banten Police Provos checked Banten Police BKO personnel.

The atmosphere of the examination by members of the National Police of BKO personnel before going to the field guarding the 2021 Simultaneous Pilkades in Pandeglang Regency / Photo: Banten Police Doc

"The inspection was led by the Head of the Banten Police Provos Subbid. Kompol Muhammad Andra Wardhana to check the Banten Police BKO personnel consisting of the Banten Police Satker with 289 personnel, Ditsamapta 120 personnel, and the Satbrimob 182 personnel," said Nursyah Putra.

Nursyah Putra conveyed that the shift of the Maung Village Pilkades Safe Operation troops for 2021 in the context of securing the simultaneous Pilkades in Pandeglang Regency.

"For all personnel who are carrying out security at the Village Office to always follow the applicable rules and in accordance with the SOP, protect the good name of the institution, especially the Indonesian National Police, especially the Banten Police and its staff, for behavior, speech, tidiness, appearance, maintain neutrality. Don't take sides with anyone and keep the COVID-19 process." explained Nursyah Putra.

As is known for the implementation of the Pilkades in Pandeglang Regency which will be held on Sunday, October 17, 2021, the number of villages that will carry out as many as 206 villages from 32 sub-districts and consists of 1,263 polling stations.