Ministry Of Health Distributes IDR 646 Billion Incentives To 195 Thousand Health Workers Who Handle COVID-19

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Health has provided incentive funds for handling COVID-19 to more than 195 thousand health workers (health workers) with a total payment of IDR 646 billion as of Friday, July 24.

"The incentives that have been paid to 195,055 medical and health workers are Rp. 646,224,456,237," said the Head of Health Human Resources Development and Empowerment (PPSDM) of the Ministry of Health, Abdul Kadir, as reported by Antara, Saturday, July 25.

Based on data from the Ministry of Health, the amount of incentives paid by the government has increased since July 17, amounting to Rp. 606.3 billion.

The incentive is given to health workers who work in hospitals, port health offices, Center for Health Laboratories (BBLK) / BRLK / laboratories, hospitals, health offices and puskesmas.

In addition to incentives for health workers handling COVID-19, the Ministry of Health has also distributed death benefits for 43 health workers who died while on duty handling COVID-19 patients with a total of IDR 12.9 billion.

The death compensation budget has increased since July 8, which has disbursed Rp. 9.6 billion from the total budget allocation of Rp. 60 billion for 32 health workers who have passed away.

The total incentive budget for health personnel managed by the Ministry of Health is Rp1.9 trillion for health workers in health service facilities and central health institutions.

The process of disbursing incentive funds for health workers handling COVID-19 has been simplified by the Minister of Health Terawan Agus Putranto through the Minister of Health Decree Number HK.01.07 / MENKES / 392/2020 concerning Providing Incentives and Compensation for Health Workers Handling COVID-19 19.

In the new Minister of Health Decree, the process of verification and proposing incentives is simplified. In addition, hospital leaders can also propose incentives for health workers directly to the Ministry of Health to speed up the process.

Incentives for handling COVID-19 are given to specialist doctors in the amount of IDR 15 million per person per month, general practitioners and dentists IDR 10 million per person per month, midwives and nurses IDR 7.5 million, and other medical personnel IDR 5 million per month.