While Waiting For The Personal Data Law, Cyber Experts Urge The Government To Implement A Moratorium On Loans

JAKARTA - Cyber security expert from CISSReC, Pratama Persadha views, the government needs to immediately implement a moratorium on online loan licensing (pinjol). The moratorium is at least to regulate the rules of the game and education about official loans to the public.

"With this moratorium, we hope that the government can tidy up the loan and loan affairs as well as provide education on official loan-taking," said Pratama when contacted by Antara in Semarang, Saturday, October 16.

The rules of the game related to this loan, he said, must also be adjusted to the Law on Personal Data Protection (UU PDP), which is currently being discussed in Commission I of the DPR.

He views the importance of this provision in the PDP Law. Moreover, President Jokowi emphasized that the governance of lending and borrowing must receive attention because more than 68 million people participate in financial technology activities.

"In addition, information related to the turnover or circulation of funds contained in it is more than Rp260 trillion," he said.

The chairman of the Indonesian Cyber Research Institute CISSReC added that the main problem with loans circulating in the country is partly illegal loans that are not registered with the Financial Services Authority (OJK). As a result, they ignore regulations and provide very high interest for the community.

"In fact, there are those who determine the interest rate of 2 percent per day, meaning that in just 2 months the value of the debt will more than double. Of course this violates the rules of the FSA and Bank Indonesia (BI)," he said.

In addition, he said, what is quite dangerous is the illegal borrowing practice that violates privacy and uses customers' personal data arbitrarily.

Even though there is no PDP Law, according to him, many of the principles and legal norms have been violated. For example, sending a message to all customer contacts that the customer has not paid the debt. In fact, most of the contacts on the smartphones of illegal borrowing customers were called with harsh words.

From the results of raids by the Police, it is known that many threats were made by the pinjol. In fact, some were caught red-handed sending various pornographic content to the customer's WA number. This, according to him, has the potential to violate the Electronic Information and Transaction Law (UU ITE) and the Pornography Law.

"What is very worrying about illegal lending is the misuse of personal data by 'forced' access to customer contacts," said the man from Cepu, Blora Regency, Central Java.

Although some customers have been notified beforehand, said Pratama, this is still not a 'normal' and law-abiding practice. This practice actually injures civilized humanity.

He also sees the need for the government to re-check the circulating legal loans whether they really work in accordance with the rules or not. For example, is there any legal partnership with illegal lending, especially related to data sharing.

In addition, it must also be checked and ensured that cybersecurity is at every legal official loan. This, he said, should not allow a weak system to create fictitious debts using other people's identities.

"This is important because there are currently many photos of people circulating with selfie ID cards, which are clearly very dangerous. The legal system at the official loan office should be able to detect fake applications like this," he said.

He stressed that the official loan must have much better information system security. In addition, do not let official borrowing also practice things that are identical to illegal borrowing.