Public And Private Spaces Are Getting Blurry, Be Wary Of Hoaxes And Be More Careful About Seeing An Influencer

JAKARTA - Expert Staff of the Minister of Communication and Informatics for Communication and Mass Media Widodo Muktiyo assesses that currently public and private spaces are becoming increasingly blurred. Because something uploaded to social media even though it is in a private room can enter the public space.

"In the past, we talked about it at home, in a warung, then it went viral and finally it became a social reality from virtual which became social and sometimes out of sync so that it could turn into various kinds of conflicts," he said in an online discussion, Friday, October 15.

He said that only through an internet connection, people could interact with many people. Therefore, of course there must be extra caution. Because nowadays there are also many influencers who can influence other people.

"What is often the subject of our thoughts, such as the so-called hoax, is actually embedded in the development of digital technology. This is something we must all be aware of," he said.

Likewise with the opportunity for personal data to be stolen. He added that currently the legal umbrella is being discussed so that Indonesia has a Personal Data Protection Law.

"Right now, we prioritize accuracy in retrieving gray information, which is a hoax," he said.