Prime And Make Proud! Sabang Aceh City Receives Child Friendly City Award

ACEH - The Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection (PPPA) awarded Sabang City, Aceh Province, as a Child Friendly City (KLA). This is due to the serious attention of the Pulau Weh region in fulfilling children's rights.

Head of the Regional Planning and Development Agency (Bappeda) of Sabang City, Faisal Azwar said, KLA was the first award received this year based on the 2020 performance assessment.

"Of course, this achievement is the result of the strengthening role of all parties in fulfilling the rights and protecting children in Sabang City," said Faisal Azwar in Sabang, Antara, Friday, October 15.

The Chairperson of the Sabang City Child Friendly Task Force added that Sabang received the KLA award from the PPPA Ministry along with 275 other regencies/cities in Indonesia.

Through this award, said Faisal, Sabang also received a Special Non-Physical Allocation Fund in 2022 of Rp451 million for Women's Empowerment and Child Protection Services.

"This award is given to the City of Sabang because we have a high commitment to support the fulfillment of children's rights and special protection through an evaluation process carried out by a team from the Ministry of PPPA, ministry agencies and independent teams," he said.

He explained that KLA is a program of the PPPA Ministry in an effort to create an area to ensure the fulfillment and protection of children's rights.

This award is given to a city that is able to plan, determine and carry out its entire development program with an orientation to the rights and obligations of children, he said.

Regarding the planning of a city, he said, participation from children is needed so that the concept of a child-friendly city can accommodate children's needs properly. Children's participation in urban planning has grown to become increasingly popular in cities.

"This is so that children can grow and develop properly. The criteria for children here are all citizens from the time they are in the womb until they are 18 years old. Everything is very important to plan," he said.

Then, he continued, the indicators for the fulfillment of children's rights, the same as the indicators for a child-friendly city, include five clusters of children's rights such as civil rights and freedoms, family environment and alternative care, basic health and welfare, education, use of leisure time and cultural activities and special protection. .