Residents Together With Satpol PP Raid 2 Perverted Couples In The Bushes And Sibolga Boarding House

MEDAN - Residents together with the Head of the Environment and the Satpol PP Officer of Sibolga City raided 2 non-married couples who were perverted.

The raid was carried out at a boarding house on Jalan SM Raja, Pancuran Bambu Village, Sibolga Sambas District, Sibolga City, North Sumatra.

Head of Sibolga City Satpol PP, Faisal Fahmi Lubis, said the raid was carried out on the basis of reports from restless residents. Getting the report, his party immediately followed up with raids on the location.

"So we have been spying before the raid. Because there are reports from residents. We have secured two couples, one in the bushes around the boarding house, the other in the boarding room," said Faisal when contacted by reporters, Friday, October 15.

Of the four people who were arrested, two of them were residents of Sibolga City. Meanwhile, two other people are residents of Nias and residents of Padang City who are suspected of being prostitutes.

"Against the two couples, we contacted their parents and were given a warning. If they do it again or are caught again, we will process it according to the applicable rules. For prostitutes we will return them to their place of origin," said Faisal.

Satpol PP stressed that he would increase surveillance patrols and raids in order to create security in Sibolga City from unscrupulous acts.

"We are taking this action so that Sibolga City is protected from deviant acts. I urge young people to cooperate, do not try to take deviant actions, we will give strict sanctions," said Faisa.