The Third Axis Discourse Appears Again, PAN Wants To Share Goals In The 2024 Presidential Election

JAKARTA - Deputy General Chairperson and Spokesperson for PAN, Viva Yoga, agrees with the PPP discourse which opens up opportunities to build a third axis coalition in the 2024 presidential election.

According to him, PAN and PPP do have something in common that they cannot carry out presidential candidates independently due to the obstruction of the 20 percent nomination threshold. So, said Viva, both PAN and PPP must form a coalition with other political parties.

Therefore, Viva considered, political party leaders felt the need to communicate to equalize views on the 2024 presidential election.

"Even though it's just a discourse, or talking informally, it is also necessary for all leaders of political parties to start opening intensive communication to share visions and perceptions for the design of the 2024 presidential election," said Viva to reporters, Friday, October 15.

However, said Viva, decision making is under the authority of the General Chair, Zulkifli Hasan. Especially at this time, PAN is focusing on organizing the party organization in a modern way by developing a digital culture, as well as assisting the government in accelerating the national economic recovery program.

"PAN's stance is in accordance with the results of the PAN National Work Meeting on August 31, 2021, that the National Working Meeting gives full authority to the General Chair of PAN, Zulkifli Hasan to take strategic steps in the process of nominating cawapres candidates in the 2024 General Election," said Viva.

Previously, the chairman of the United Development Party's DPP, Achmad Baidowi, said that his party might join the third axis for the coalition in the 2024 presidential election. Given the imposition of a 20 percent presidential nomination threshold.

It is known, with this threshold, the party that meets to nominate a president without a coalition is the PDIP. Meanwhile, other parties do need a coalition so that the votes will meet the threshold.

"With the provision of 20 percent of seats and 25 percent of the vote, it has the potential to become three axes. Some media mentions one axis of PDIP, one axis of Golkar, and one other axis," Baidowi said.