Until July 8, BPJS Cost Of Handling COVID-19 Claims Is IDR 642 Billion

JAKARTA - The Social Security Administration (BPJS) for Health has verified claims for health service fees for handling COVID-19. The cost includes 1,302 hospitals (RS) with data as of July 8, 2020.

Reporting from Antara, Friday, July 24, Head of Public Relations of BPJS Kesehatan M Iqbal Anas Ma'ruf said the claim for health service costs was IDR 642,435,981,420. BPJS Kesehatan received a special assignment from the Coordinating Minister for PMK Muhadjir Effendy to verify claims for hospitals that handle COVID-19 patients.

The appointment considers BPJS Health's experience in verifying JKN financing. Hospital claims that have been verified by BPJS Kesehatan will then be paid by the Ministry of Health.

The payment of hospital claims has also been paid in half by the Ministry of Health before the claim submission files are verified by BPJS Kesehatan.

Minister of Health Terawan Agus Putranto previously issued a new regulation regarding the technical claim for health care costs for hospitals that handle COVID-19 patients.

The new regulation is contained in the Decree of the Minister of Health (KMK) RI Number HK.01 / 07 / MENKES / 446/2020 concerning Technical Guidelines for Claims for Reimbursement of Services for Certain Emerging Infectious Diseases Patients for Hospitals Providing Services for Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19 ).

This regulation is an improvement from the previous KMK number HK.01 / 07 / MENKES / 238/2020. The new regulation details the roles and functions of the ministries / agencies and agencies involved, namely details of the roles and functions of the Ministry of Health, BPJS Kesehatan, Provincial / District / City Health Offices, and hospitals.

This new regulation has also adjusted to KMK number HK.01.07 / MENKES / 413/2020 concerning Guidelines for the Prevention and Control of COVID-19, namely there is a change in the term patient criteria used.