BCA Provides Credit Of Rp3.8 Trillion To Jasa Marga's Subsidiaries
JAKARTA - PT Jasamarga Surabaya-Mojokerto (PT JSM) obtained credit financing of Rp. 3.8 trillion from PT Bank Central Asia Tbk (BCA) which was used to refinance existing credit loans.
Jasa Marga's Business Director, Agus Setiawan said that this credit financing will not only be used to refinance existing credit loans, but also for maintenance and operational activities at PT JSM.
At the same time, he said, to strengthen cash from PT JSM, so that in the future performance and services on the Surabaya-Mojokerto Toll Road can be further improved than before, along with improvements in the technology used.
"This credit financing, apart from refinancing existing credit loans, will certainly be a good support for PT JSM and will increase the company's cash," said Agus, in a press release, quoted from Antara, Friday, October 15.
Meanwhile, PT JSM is a joint venture between PT Jasa Marga (Persero) Tbk (55.51 percent) and ASTRA Infra (44.49 percent).
The Surabaya-Mojokerto Toll Road has a total length of 36.27 Km, with 4 sections, namely, Section IA Waru-Sepanjang (2.3 Km), Section IB throughout WRR (4.3 Km), Section II WRR-Driyorejo (5, 1 Km), and Section III Driyorejo-Krian (6.1 Km).
The credit agreement was signed by Widiyatmiko Nursejati - President Director of PT JSM, R Marthin Joel HO - Senior Vice President of BCA Corporate Banking Group, and Dhejani Surjadi - Head of BCA Corporate Branch Office.
The signing of this credit agreement was also witnessed by the Shareholders of PT JSM, namely, Jasa Marga Business Director Agus Setiawan, Jasa Marga Finance Director Donny Arsal, ASTRA Infra Group CEO Djap Tet Fa, ASTRA Toll Road Business Group CEO Kris Ade Sudiyono, BCA Directors Rudy Susanto and John Kosasih and Senior Executive Vice President of the Corporate Banking Group Wira Chandra.