How To Easily View Saved Passwords In Mozilla Firefox

YOGYAKARTA - As a browser application that has many users, Mozilla Firefox has many features that can help its users. One feature that is often used is "Save Password", every time a user logs into a certain site account using Mozilla Firefox.

The save password feature is also very useful because it makes it easier for users to re-enter the same site. In addition, you can also view the saved username or user name and password, when you want to open it using an application or browser other than Mozilla Firefox.

It can also make it easier for users if they forget their account password. Therefore, the save password feature is often used by users, especially if you have multiple accounts on several internet sites.

Even so, there are still some users who do not know how to view saved passwords in Mozilla Firefox. If you are one of them, don't worry because this article will explain how to view the passwords you have saved in Mozilla Firefox.

Viewing Saved Passwords in Mozilla Firefox

Before viewing the saved passwords in Mozilla Firefox, you must first make sure that you have accessed the website and entered the username and password you are looking for.

In addition, the user has also allowed Mozilla Firefox to save your username and password, then perform the steps that the VOI team has summarized below.

The first step, you can first upgrade the Mozilla Firefox browser on your device to the latest version to make it easier for users to operate every feature in it.

Next, select the three-line icon in the upper right corner. A settings menu will appear in the Mozilla Firefox browser on your device, and select it. After that, scroll down and select the password menu.

After entering the password menu all the passwords that you have agreed to be stored in the Mozilla Firefox browser. Select a site to view your username and password on that site.

Saved passwords will be displayed with a star icon to ensure security. If you want to see it, you can click the "eye" menu next to it. Then click the copy button or copy to copy the username and password.

If you want to update your username or password, you can select the edit button to change the username or password of the site. You can also select the remove button to remove the password from the Password menu in the Mozilla Firefox browser.

That was how to view saved passwords in Mozilla Firefox, which you can use to check your account username and password on certain sites, if one day you need them.