KPK Integrity Assessment Survey: The Practice Of Brokers Still Occurs In 99 Percent Of Agencies

JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Alexander Marwata revealed the results of the Integrity Assessment Survey (SPI) in 2019. As a result, brokering practices are still common in government agencies to local governments.

"The presence of brokers in public services is found in 99 percent of agencies," said Alexander as quoted from the SPI Webinar: How High is the Corruption Level in Your Place which was broadcast on the Indonesian KPK YouTube, Friday, October 15.

The survey results, he said, were obtained from measuring the level of corruption in each ministry/institution or local government. There were 127 government agencies participating in the SPI in 2019 consisting of 27 ministries/agencies and 100 local governments.

In addition, Alexander also explained that the acceptance of gratuities is still rampant. From the KPK SPI, there are still 91 percent of agencies whose employees are still willing to accept gifts from other parties.

"This is also still high, meaning that there are still employees or officials who accept something and are gratified as a thank you," he said.

Furthermore, the KPK also found that 76 percent of agencies were still found to have misappropriated the budget. "Another fact was found that there was an auction of positions in 63 percent of agencies. This is also a serious concern for us at the KPK because several OTTs involve buying and selling positions," said Alexander. still occurs in a number of institutions.

With these findings, Alexander asked the heads of agencies and institutions/ministries to pay more attention so that this preposterous practice does not happen again. "These are things that concern the fathers, ladies and gentlemen who are the leaders of the institution," he said.

"It is necessary to pay attention to whether in daily practice in ministries, institutions or local governments, these kinds of incidents still occur," he added.

On that occasion, Alexander also explained that SPI was only held again this year and was absent in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Later this year, the survey will be conducted again on 542 government agencies and 98 ministries/agencies. This activity is targeted to be attended by 214,106 employees where the implementation will be carried out online.

He hopes that government employees and the wider community can take part in this survey. Alexander ensured that all parties were allowed to fill out the SPI in accordance with the existing conditions because the identity of the respondent would be kept confidential and no action would be taken.