Giving Working Capital Assistance To MSMEs, Jokowi: We Should Be Grateful

JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo invited micro and small traders to remain grateful in facing the COVID-19 pandemic conditions.

He said that in front of the UMKM he invited to the Bogor Palace, Friday, July 24. In addition, he also provided Working Capital Assistance (BMK) to 60 micro and small traders from the city and district of Bogor worth IDR 2.4 million each. "Alhamdulilah, remember in other countries people who sell are not selling because there is a lockdown. The lockdown was closed, people were not allowed to travel, they were not allowed to go anywhere, I cannot imagine, we should be grateful that the turnover is still Rp. 300 thousand, Rp. 200 thousand, Rp. 100,000, be grateful, we must be grateful to Allah SWT, "said Jokowi. "This is a trial we face by working even harder, trying even harder, there are no words to give up," the President added. Jokowi admitted that the current conditions are not easy because the COVID-19 pandemic affects every micro entrepreneur, small, medium and large in 215 countries. "Their conditions resemble us even worse than us, I know that in the current condition, the turnover was Rp. 600 thousand or Rp. 800 thousand, only Rp. 100,000, Rp. 200 thousand, I know," said the President. said, the economic conditions in June 2020 had started to improve. "The figure I have in June has gone up, July could go up even more so we hope that your turnover will return to normal. Therefore, this afternoon we think I provided working capital assistance of Rp. 2.4 million, enough sir? Enough, thank God, hopefully. can help you increase your working capital, "said the President. Jokowi advised, the assistance given of Rp. 2.4 million did not buy a cell phone or credit." But I will follow, don't let this buy a cellphone, it is not allowed. This is to increase working capital, Don't buy it to buy cellphones or pulses. This is to help you increase your working capital and I invite all of you to work hard so that when you return to normal you can return to a better condition, "said the President.

Furthermore, Jokowi advised traders to maintain health protocols. He wanted these traders to convey it to their immediate environment. "I entrusted it to the ladies and gentlemen to ask them to wear masks, wash their hands after activities, keep their distance, avoid crowds, avoid gatherings of many people, because the pandemic has not ended," he said. The President emphasized that the merchants who were invited to the Bogor presidential palace included those who traded vegetables, meatballs, groceries, egg sausages and ice. One of the traders even sold "thirsty ice". "I traded ice permanently, before I had a turnover of Rp1 million to Rp900 thousand sir," said the merchant. However, during the pandemic the turnover dropped to Rp. 300 thousand. "What ice?" asked President Jokowi. "Ice is thirsty," replied the merchant. "Ooh really good name, is the ice brought here or not? If it is brought I want to take one," replied the President. "I'll send," replied the merchant. "Pay or not?" asked the President. "It's free," said the merchant. "It can't be free, if I send it I have to pay, business people have to do that," said the President.