Gojek Adds Face Verification Feature For Driver Partners

JAKARTA - Gojek added a new security feature that customers and driver partners can take advantage of. This face verification feature or Face Recognition is a form of Gojek's commitment in providing security and comfort for its consumers.

Through this feature, Gojek partners or drivers will be asked to verify their faces before accepting customer orders. So customers can know for sure the driver or motorbike taxi driver they ordered.

According to Gojek's Chief of Operations Officer, Hans Patuwo, this security feature will add a sense of security for Gojek application and service users. So that both consumers and partners will be guaranteed the conformity of data and security.

"The face verification feature can guarantee the conformity of data and information while protecting the security of driver partner accounts from potential crime or account abuse. For customers, implementing this feature in the driver application will provide a sense of security when using Gojek services," said Hans in an official statement received , Friday, 23 July.

In presenting the Face Verification feature, Gojek considers the ease and comfort of its partners. For that, Gojek applies face verification, a sophisticated technology with the highest level of accuracy.

This makes the verification process take place in a short time, so it doesn't bother driver partners when they have to verify before or after executing transactions.

"Accounts are more secure, avoiding the efforts of individuals trying to hijack Gojek driver partner accounts. On the other hand, customer trust will also increase. They don't need to doubt that drivers who come are different from those in the application. Customer trust will be beneficial for us. driver partners in the field, "he explained.

The Face Verification feature is part of Gojek SHIELD, which is a comprehensive and advanced security technology suite in the Gojek application built by a world-class team to protect customers and partners.

Previously, Gojek SHIELD has launched various security innovations including masking telephone numbers to protect the personal data of customers and partners; chat intervention that alerts customers when suspicious activity is detected; and artificial intelligence-based technology that can identify various types of illegal use of applications.

The face verification innovation is also a continuation of other security devices that are already available in the Gojek application such as the Emergency Button and the Share Trip Feature.

Apart from using technology, Gojek also puts forward educational steps in ensuring the safety of customers and driver partners. In collaboration with various parties including the Ministry of Communication and Informatics of the Republic of Indonesia and Gadjah Mada University, Gojek is taking the foremost steps to improve public digital literacy related to security.

"Public understanding or literacy is important to complement the technological innovations that we have implemented. The combination of these two things is the main key to ensuring that every user, both driver partners and customers, can continue to #AmanBersamaGojek, "concluded Hans.