East Java Governor Khofifah Receives The Change Leader's Honorary Badge From LAN

SURABAYA - The Governor of East Java, Khofifah Indar Parawansa, received the Regional Head of Change for Leaders of Honor Badge from the Indonesian State Administration Agency (LAN) because he was considered to have a strong commitment to developing the competence of the state civil apparatus (ASN).

"As a leader of change, Governor Khofifah provides many examples in terms of dealing with COVID-19," said the Head of LAN RI Adi Suryanto after handing a badge of honor and a certificate of appreciation to Governor Khofifah at the East Java BPSDM office in Surabaya. .

Adi also appreciated East Java, especially Governor Khofifah, who has been an extraordinary leader in the midst of a pandemic, as well as his attention to developing the competence of his apparatus.

"He is constantly pushing to stay productive, keep working hard even in difficult conditions," he said.

Adi explained that some of what Governor Khofifah did was to become a leader who supports and provides opportunities for his apparatus to make changes, as well as become a leader in dealing with complex and extraordinary situations.

"From an unusual situation, Governor Khofifah has a way of resolving it in ways that are also unusual," he said.

Meanwhile, the award presentation was carried out in a series with the Release and Closing of the Level II National Leadership Training Participants (PKN) for the XVI Year 2021 Provincial Government of East Java.

PKN II Batch XVI was attended by 55 participants, namely three people from the Attorney General's Office, seven people from East Java Province, a South Kalimantan Province, 18 people from districts/cities in East Java, and 26 people from districts/cities outside East Java.

Governor Khofifah said that in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic the East Java Provincial Government continued to make various innovations, both related to handling and also increasing the competence of ASN who are public servants.

"Today's ASN are expected to work beyond their duties and responsibilities. ASNs work not only during working hours, the community needs a quick response at any time so they must be ready to provide services," he said.

The governor reminded that in the East Java Provincial Government, ASN must work with the "CETTAR" principle, which is fast, effective, efficient, responsive, transparent, accountable, and responsive.

In addition, he said, ASN must have AKHLAK, namely service-oriented, accountable, competent, harmonious, loyal, adaptive, and collaborative.

Governor Khofifah also presented the Jer Basuki Mawa Beya Perak award to the Head of East Java BPSDM Aries Agung Paewai who had led East Java BPSDM to get A Accreditation from LAN RI.

Then, the Jer Basuki Mawa Beya Bronze award to three Widyaiswara East Java, namely Hary Wahyudi, Siswo Herutoto, and Muchammad Taufik for being considered proud after being ranked first in Micro Learning Innovation from LAN RI in 2021.

Khofifah also presented the 2021 Achievement Award to five regions, namely the City of Surabaya, Tuban, Sumenep, Magetan and Tulungagung.