Collaboration Box With Cak Nun In Human Human Song

JAKARTA - Kotak released a new single song entitled Manusia Manusiawi. This song is inspired by the words of Emha Ainun Nadjib.

Human Human is a follow-up to the previous single, Hoax, which was released last month. Both are part of their upcoming album titled Identity.

At first, Kotak had difficulties, but through Noe "Letto" who is Cak Nun's son, the door to collaboration was opened so that the recording process could be done easily without meeting.

Cak Nun is a figure idolized by Kotak's personnel consisting of Tantri (vocalist), Cella (guitar) and Chua (bass). Therefore, they always remembered Cak Nun's words.

"There are many people who can forgive others, but not many people can forgive themselves, realizing the rise of human life. Trying to understand that it is a human being who can make mistakes not only to others, but to himself," said Tantri. , reported by Antara, Friday.

Human Human contains messages about life peace, tolerance, and unity. According to Cella, the message in the song fits the current pandemic situation.

"We are currently in a crisis of tolerance. This song invites people to tolerate each other, accept the fact that nothing is perfect, and to be able to tolerate each other starting from forgiving oneself," said Cella.