Do You Still Remember The Case Of Beating The Health Workers In Bandar Lampung? Today Three Defendants Undergo First Trial

LAMPUNG - Three defendants in the case of beating health workers at the Kedaton Health Center underwent their first trial at the Class IA Tanjungkarang District Court, Bandarlampung, Thursday, October 14.

At the reading of the indictment, the Public Prosecutor (JPU), Eka Aftarini, said the act occurred on Sunday 4 July 2021 while they were looking for oxygen cylinders in the Bandarlampung area for their parents who were sick with COVID-19.

"Previously they asked the ambulance service at the Tugu Agudipura Roundabout. From there they were told that the Kedaton Health Center had oxygen cylinders," he said during an online trial in Bandarlampung, reported by Antara.

The three defendants were Awang Helmi Christian, Novan Putra Abdillah, and Didit Maulana.

He continued, when they arrived at the Kedaton Health Center, they then asked one of the nurses if they had oxygen cylinders to take home or bought for their sick parents.

"The nurse said that oxygen cylinders cannot be brought home or purchased. Oxygen cylinders are designated according to the SOP of the Kedaton Health Center," he said. The prosecutor added that the victim admonished the defendant Awang to wear a mask properly, namely covering the nose and mouth, and not just covering the chin. . Hearing this, the defendant Awang did not accept the victim's explanation and words.

"The defendant said to the victim that the victim's speech was not polite. The victim replied that the procedure was like that. After that the defendant still insisted on showing the victim that he came with the defendants Novan and Awang," he said.

Not long after that, there was a commotion inside the Kedaton Health Center. For these actions, the prosecutor charged the defendants with Article 170 of the Criminal Code.