New National Mangrove Map Launched, Becomes Baseline For National Rehabilitation Management

JAKARTA - Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan together with the Minister of Environment and Forestry, Siti Nurbaya, Head of BRGM Hartono and Head of BIG Aris Marfai launched the 2021 National Mangrove Map at the Angke Kapuk Nature Tourism Park (TWA).

The 2021 National Mangrove Map (PMN) is the result of updating the map preparation that has been implemented since 2013.

“This mangrove one map is the right step to continue working to rehabilitate mangroves according to the President's agenda. We also program it for the G20," said Minister Luhut, Wednesday, October 13.

On that occasion, Minister Luhut said that mangrove management needs to be implemented in an integrated manner with good planning, through better mangrove management strategies in the future.

"We hope that after this launch the maintenance, rehabilitation, conservation, maintenance and care of the mangrove ecosystem must be accelerated so that the target can be achieved," said Minister Luhut.

The Ministry of Environment and Forestry is currently appointed as the person in charge of compiling mangrove thematic maps based on Presidential Regulation Number 23 of 2021 concerning Amendments to Presidential Regulation Number 9 of 2016 concerning the acceleration of the implementation of the one map policy at an accuracy of 1:50,000.

The preparation of PMN 2021 has gone through a series of comprehensive stages, starting from coordinating the preparation of technical guidelines and interpretation keys, Preparation of satellite images and supporting maps, Pre-processing, Visual image interpretation (screen digitization), stage I quality control, determination of sample points for field checks, field checks, improvement of interpretation results based on field checks, stage II quality control, compilation, analysis and tabulation, report preparation and map layout making, up to the Determination of the National Mangrove Map.

Minister Siti said, one map is a label of one map policy where the Ministry of Environment and Forestry is the guardian of one map data with the mangrove theme. then delineated, meaning that the lines are determined so that all ministries will be involved in maintaining and managing mangroves properly,” said Minister Siti.

The results of data analysis show that there is a significant change in the existing mangrove area from PMN 2013-2019 of 3,311,245 Ha, and the results of updating PMN in 2021 to 3,364,080 Ha. In other words, there is an increase in the existing mangrove area of 52,835 Ha. This increase shows a positive indication in the conservation of mangrove ecosystems in Indonesia.

This effort is carried out by many parties, both Ministries/Institutions and community groups, especially coastal communities independently. This self-help activity in the rehabilitation of mangroves shows that awareness has started about the importance of the existence of mangroves for the environment and economic benefits.

The new information available from the results of the 2021 PMN Update is that the potential area of mangrove habitat is 756,183 Ha. Taking into account the framework described in the previous section, it can be seen that the potential for mangrove habitat is part of the mangrove ecosystem which is characteristically suitable for mangrove habitat, but the current condition is that there is no mangrove vegetation.

Various kinds of land cover conditions for mangrove ecosystems currently identified in the 2021 PMN update are abraded mangroves, abraded areas, open land, ponds and raised land.

The dynamic changes in mangrove cover in recent years have resulted in an important 2021 PMN updating activity to be carried out in order to obtain the latest data regarding the existence and distribution of mangroves.

"In accordance with the direction of the President, PMN has become a very important national program, including in facing the G-20. If we look at the field, there has been a lot of experience from the late 1990s and 2003, how to transform from a pond and then rehabilitate it into a mangrove ecosystem,” added Minister Siti.

World Bank Country Director, Satu Kahkonen appreciated the launch of the one map mangrove policy and the performance of the Indonesian government in managing mangrove ecosystems. “One map is an agenda that is very important for Indonesia's steps in managing mangroves in the future for various mangrove programs. In the presentations and explanations it appears that the Ministry of Environment and Forestry has done a lot of work related to mangroves. The World Bank will support this good work to accelerate and to support global issues like this,” said Satu.

The PMN preparation involves many parties, namely the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK), the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP), the Peat and Mangrove Restoration Agency (BRGM), the Geospatial Information Agency (BIG), and the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN). joined in the Mangrove Rehabilitation Working Group based on the Decree of the Director General of PDASRH Number SK.6/PDASHL/SET/DAS.1/2/2021 concerning the Mangrove Rehabilitation Working Group.

With the launch of the National Mangrove Map, it is hoped that it will become a new baseline related to the current condition of mangroves that can be used as a basis for planning and policy making in the context of mangrove ecosystem management.

In addition to launching PMN 2021, on this occasion mangrove planting was also carried out by Minister of Environment and Forestry Siti Nurbaya, Head of BRGM Hartono, Country Director of World Bank Satu Kahkonen, Head of the Geospatial Information Agency Aris Marfai, and Indonesian delegates who will take part in COP-26 UNFCCC in Glasglow at the end of the year. this October.

Then the event continued with the delivery of the directives of the Minister of Environment and Forestry at the Workshop on Policy Development for Mangrove Rehabilitation Management. In his direction, the Minister of Environment and Forestry conveyed the efforts of the government of the Republic of Indonesia in carrying out mangrove rehabilitation to maintain the stability of the coastal landscape and in the context of strengthening the green economy.

Present as speakers in the workshop of the World Bank Team, Andre Aquino, Director of BPDLH Djoko Hendratto, Director General of PPI Laksmi Dewanti, Deputy of Planning and Evaluation of BRGM Prof. Satyawan Pudyatmoko, Main Secretary of BRGM Ayu Dewi Utari, Secretary of the Directorate General of PKTL Hanif Faisol Nurofiq, Director of Planning and Evaluation of the Saparis Watershed Sudaryanto, Assistant Deputy for Climate Change and Disaster Management of the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs Kus Prisetyohadi.