How To Freeze Or Freeze Columns And Rows In Google Sheets

YOGYAKARTA - Google Sheets is a spreadsheet application that is widely used to process tabular data. These applications are commonly used to create brief descriptive reports from numerical data. Many users use Google Sheets, to process tabular data consisting of many columns and rows, especially to create financial reports or those related to numbers. can be accessed on various devices making it easier for users to fix it. You also don't have to use the same laptop or computer when you want to open it. However, like other tabular data processing applications, Google Sheets, it also often makes users dizzy because they have to enter a lot of data. Therefore, the Freeze feature makes it easier for users to process data. The function of the Freeze feature in Google Sheets is to make certain columns or rows remain on the screen, even if you scroll the cursor up or down. enter data in a spreadsheet. The VOI team has also prepared ways that you can do to make a "Freeze" in Google Sheets in the following article.

How to Freeze Columns and Rows

The first thing you can do to enable Freeze on a column or row in Google Sheets is open the tabular data that you want to process in Google Sheets. Next, you can specify the row or column that you want to Freeze. Click the "View" menu and hover over the Freeze icon. A number of options will appear that you can choose to Freeze. If you want to Freeze only 1 row, then select "1 Row", while if you want 2 rows, you can select "2 Row" and so on. Meanwhile, if you don't want to freeze rows, you can choose the "No Row" menu. Meanwhile, to Freeze columns can be done with steps that are not much different. In the Freeze menu, you can select "1 Column" to Freeze 1 column, and so on until an infinite number of times. After you select the number of rows and columns to Freeze, the user can click the "Ok" option to complete the Freeze column and row process. in Google Sheets. You can also use the existing spreadsheets in Google Sheets after completing the above process. Next, you can double-check the data that has been entered in Google Sheets. This is how to make columns and rows freeze or not move when you use spreadsheets in Google Sheets. These features can make it easier for you to work on reports for your company or other needs.