Coalition Guarding Elections Gives Notes On The KPU-Bawaslu Team

JAKARTA - The Coalition of Civil Society Guards for the 2024 Election conveyed a number of notes related to the decisions and determination of the KPU and Bawaslu selection teams for the 2022-2027 period.

The Coalition noted five important points, including regretting the selection of the selection team that did not provide a "rebuttal period" for the community to provide notes and input on the track records of each member of the selection team that had been determined.

In Article 22 Paragraph (3) of Law Number 7 of 2017 requires the composition of the KPU and Bawaslu selection teams to consist of three representatives from the government, four representatives from the community, and four representatives from academia.

Meanwhile, in Presidential Decree No. 120/P Year 2021, did not provide a detailed and open explanation of the backgrounds of the 11 members of the selection team who represented three government elements, four academic elements, and four community elements.

The chairman of the KPU and Bawaslu Selection Team does have a proven track record in elections. However, he is also a former member of the Jokowi-Ma'ruf Success Team in the 2019 Election. This is very unfortunate because the Chairperson of the KPU and Bawaslu Selection Teams is not from the community or academics.

The number of women's representation in the selection team for KPU and Bawaslu members for the 2017-2022 period is two people. That number increased in Presidential Decree No. 120/P 2021 which stipulates three women and eight men as members of the selection team.

It was also stated that the composition of women's representation in the selection team membership was still less than 30 percent or only 27 percent.

There are some members of the selection team who have direct affiliations with certain community organizations or groups and more should have electoral backgrounds.

The Civil Society Coalition to Guard the 2024 Election consists of a number of organizations, including the Independent Election Awareness Committee, Association for Elections and Democracy, Netfid Indonesia, Constitutional and Democracy Initiative, and the Election and Democracy Syndicate.

In addition, the Center for Political Studies, University of Indonesia, Indonesian Parliamentary Center, Center for Constitutional Studies, Faculty of Law, Andalas University, Democracy and Electoral Empowerment Partnership, Network for Democracy and Electoral Integrity, and Indonesia Corruption Watch.