Gasak Kaltim 5-1, Papuan Men's Football Team Qualifies For XX PON Final

JAKARTA - The Papuan men's football team managed to advance to the Papua PON final after defeating East Kalimantan in the semifinals at the Mandala Stadium, Jayapura, Tuesday. According to Antara, Papua won 5-1 through goals from Ricky Ricardo Cawor (2), I Nyoman Nikson Ansanay, M. Arody Uopdana and Samuel Gideon Balinsa. The goal from East Kalimantan was an own goal from Papua defender Ari Wakum. In the first half, Papua appeared to be pressing and East Kalimantan occasionally counterattacked which was not dangerous enough. Papua had a chance in the 5th minute through the effort of striker M. Arody Uopdana but his shot was still sideways on the left side of the East Kalimantan goal. Then it was East Kalimantan's turn to threaten through Agus Santoso in the 8th minute, he managed to welcome a corner but his header was still sideways from the Papua goal. East Kalimantan again threatened when midfielder Muhammad Rifaldi managed to fire a shot on goal Papua, but sideways to the left side of the Papuan goal. In 15 minutes, Papua managed to pose a threat to the East Kalimantan goal when Jefron Sitawa's shot could still be parried by goalkeeper Andry Fathur Robby. East Kalimantan could take the lead in 18 minutes after Agus Santoso's free kick could not well anticipated by Papua defender Ari Wakum who made the ball it went into its own net and made the score 1-0 for East Kalimantan. Left behind, Papua continued to make efforts to equalize, one of which was from Ricky Cawor who managed to send a pass but Jefron Sitawa's shot still couldn't meet the target. At minute 23, Papua again had a chance through a free kick which was executed by I Nyoman Nikson Ansanay but his shot could still be pushed over by East Kalimantan goalkeeper Andry Fathur Robby. At 38 minutes Papua's efforts finally paid off after M. Arody Uopdana was violated by the East Kalimantan defense in the forbidden box. Captain Ricky Ricardo Cawor, who came forward as the executioner, succeeded in carrying out his task when he scored a goal to the left side of the East Kalimantan goal in the 42nd minute which made the score back to a 1-1 draw. 1-1 remained until the end of the first half. In the second half, Papua was more h used to take the initiative to attack and continue to put pressure on the East Kalimantan defense. East Kalimantan had a chance when Agus Santoso managed to make a header against Papua but his efforts still did not meet the target. Papua again had a golden opportunity when Samuel Gideon Balinsa was fouled in the penalty box on 64 minutes This penalty kick was taken by I Nyoman Nikson Ansanay who successfully carried out his duties and made the score change to 2-1. Papua had the upper hand after M. Arody Uopdana managed to take advantage of the chaos in front of the East Kalimantan goal which made the score change to 3-1 for the hosts home in the 71st minute. Ricky Ricardo Cawor managed to increase the advantage on the 76th minute after receiving a pass from the right side of the East Kalimantan defense and then releasing a shot at Andry Fathur Robby's goal which made the score 4-1. In the 84th minute, substitute Rafiko B. Nawopi almost came close added to Papua's advantage but his shot still hit the left post of K's goal altim.

Papua added to their advantage in the 87th minute through Samuel Gideon Balinsa's kick which the East Kalimantan goalkeeper couldn't block. Until the match was over, the 5-1 score for Papua's victory remained and made the home team entitled to advance to the final of PON Papua in soccer. On the other hand, this defeat means East Kalimantan will play for the bronze medal against East Java at Barnabas Youwe Stadium, Jayapura Regency, Thursday the day after tomorrow at 15: 00 WIT.