Prosecutor General's Firm Message To Staff: Avoid Showing Luxury On Social Media And Play TikTok

JAKARTA - Attorney General Sanitiar Burhanuddin, appealed to all his staff to be wise in using social media as a means of communicating with a full sense of responsibility and following the instructions of Letter R-41/A/SUJA/09/2021.

Burhanuddin explained that the instructions in the letter were that all Prosecutors' employees must pay attention to ethics, etiquette, and manners in using social media.

The Attorney General hopes that the Prosecutor's Office is also required to pay close attention to and understand every upload on his social media to avoid things that are SARA (Ethnic, Religion, Race, and Intergroup), radicalism, lies, fake news, attacking other people's personalities, or contrary to the policy of institutions and government.

"Please, avoid showing off luxury or hedonism in our daily lives on social media," said Burhanuddin in a video uploaded to the Indonesian Attorney's YouTube channel reported by Antara, Tuesday, October 12.

He also reminded all ranks to avoid playing the TikTok application which is prone to triggering the appearance of uploads containing hedonism.

The Virtual Work Visit was attended by the Deputy Attorney General of the Republic of Indonesia Setia Untung Arimuladi, the young attorney general, the Head of the Education and Training Agency of the Indonesian Attorney General, Expert Staff of the Attorney General. The Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia, Echelon II, III, and IV officials within the Attorney General's Office, the Heads of the High Prosecutor's Office, the District Attorney's Office, and the Heads of Branches of the District Attorney's Office throughout Indonesia and their staff. There are also representatives of the Prosecutor's Office abroad.

All of them follow this Virtual Work Visit from their respective workspaces or offices.

During the working visit, Burhanuddin also appreciated all Adhyaksa Residents or the Attorney General's Office who always work with integrity, professionalism, and dedication in providing the best for their institutions.