Residents Of North Timor Tengah Have Difficulty With Clean Water, The RI-Timor Leste Pamtas Task Force Builds A Shelter

KUPANG - The Indonesian-Timor Leste Border Security Task Force deployed personnel to help residents build water reservoirs in North Timor Tengah Regency (TTU) which borders the Oecusse District, Timor Leste. This water tank is expected to be able to overcome the problems of clean water experienced by residents.

"This water storage infrastructure is very important for the residents of Haumeniana Village because so far it has been difficult for them to get clean water for their daily needs", said the Commander of the Inbate Post of the Indonesian-Timor Leste Border Security Task Force West Sector Yonarmed 6/3 Kostrad, Lieutenant Arm Djoko, when confirmed from Kupang, Antara, Tuesday, October 12.

He admitted that he was concerned about the difficulty of clean water experienced by residents, so some personnel from the Border Security Task Force were deployed to work together with residents to build water reservoirs.

The water reservoir, he said, will be used to collect groundwater that is taken using a water pump.

Previously the water reservoir used a reservoir, but it will be moved to another hamlet, so it will be replaced with a reservoir that is being built.

He hopes that the water reservoir will be able to function optimally to accommodate water, so that it can be used to meet the needs of residents, especially during the dry season.

Meanwhile, a resident of Haumeniana Village, Leon Bastian, said the water reservoir is very important for residents because it is to answer the need for clean water.

The stored water, he said, will later be used by residents for various needs, such as cooking, washing, bathing, bathing as well as for farms.

"Therefore, we are very grateful for the support of TNI members from the Border Security Task Force who came directly to help us to overcome the clean water difficulties we were experiencing", he said.