83 Positive People For COVID-19 At Papua National Sports Week, Airlangga Asks Local Government To Pay Quarantine Costs

JAKARTA - A total of 83 people, both athletes and the official team of the XX Papua National Sports Week (PON) were exposed to COVID-19. The government has also implemented a mechanism for the return of athletes as well as quarantine procedures or centralized isolation (isoters). Where the cost of quarantine will be borne by the local government (Pemda).

Coordinating Minister for the Economy Airlangga Hartarto also asked each local government (local government) to prepare centralized isolation for athletes in their respective regions. Isolation will be carried out for 5 days after arrival from Papua.

"With regard to the return mechanism, it is hoped that the costs of testing and quarantine will be borne by the regional government and the regional COVID-19 Task Force," he said in a virtual press conference, Monday, October 11.

Furthermore, Airlangga said if during the return process there were athletes who tested positive for COVID-19, then they had to undergo treatment first in Papua.

"Later, PCR will be carried out on the first and fourth days. Already 30 percent of athletes have returned to their respective regions," he said.

As is known, positive confirmed cases of COVID-19 in athletes and officials at Papua XX PON increased from 65 cases to 83 cases on Monday, October 11.

Airlangga said that of the 83 positive confirmed cases of COVID-19, 72 percent were athletes. Then, 23 percent official, 1.5 percent coach. Then, the referee was 1.5 percent.

"And there came the reporters there who covered," said Airlangga.

Furthermore, Airlangga said the positivity rate was 1.45 percent. The cases occurred in all cities that held Papua XX PON, both in Jayapura City, Jayapura Regency, Mimika, and Merauke.

Airlangga said that the positive cases of COVID-19 occurred in several athletes for sports (sports), such as judo, rollerblading, motocross, archery, to cricket.