Various Busynesses Of Former KPK Employees After Being Kicked Out At The End Of Last September, There Are Those Who Sell Fried Rice To Farming

JAKARTA - A number of former employees of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) have new activities that are different from their jobs, ranging from selling rice to farming. They did this after being kicked out of the anti-corruption commission for failing to become a State Civil Apparatus (ASN) because they did not pass the National Insight Test (TWK).
Through her Twitter account, former KPK investigator Aulia Postiera revealed the recent activities of her colleagues who shared the same fate as her due to the failure of TWK. Aulia initially described the activities of former KPK Legal Bureau Functional Juliandi Tigor Simanjuntak.
Through the thread she made through the @paijodirajo account, Aulia said Tigor is now selling fried rice around his house after being dismissed by the KPK leadership as of September 30 yesterday.
"Juliandi Tigor Simanjuntak's full name, former Functional Legal Bureau of the KPK. A humble church activist. As his name implies, he is a strong and passionate man. Meanwhile, he fills his day by selling fried rice near his house," Aulia said as quoted by VOI on Thursday. Monday, October 11th.
He said Tigor had served for a dozen years at the KPK. However, his colleague was actually kicked out due to failing in the TWK which was a condition for changing employee status.
"His decades-long dedication was destroyed with just 2 days of testing which was proven to have violated human rights, as well as maladministration and ethical violations," he said.
•Tigor. Juliandi Tigor Simanjuntak full name, former Functional Legal Bureau of the KPK. Humble church activist. As his name implies, he is a man who is strong and full of enthusiasm. Meanwhile, he fills his day by selling fried rice near his house. Photo: @chrstafrn
— paijodirajo (@paijodirajo) October 10, 2021
Through that thread, Aulia also joked that Tigor's fried rice was more delicious than the fried rice that KPK Chairman Firli Bahuri had made when he was new. It is known, Firli once demonstrated how to make Chef Firli's fried rice in front of the media crew and employees of the anti-corruption commission.
Besides praying for her friend's merchandise to sell well, Aulia also joked again asking Tigor to have a cooking duel with Firli Bahuri. He even said that the KPK could facilitate a cooking duel between Firli and his former employee with three judges, namely Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) researcher Kurnia Ramadhana, journalist Najwa Shihab, and former KPK spokesman Febri Diansyah.
"There is a suggestion from netizens for a nasgor cooking duel between Bang Tigor vs Bang Firli TWK. Please facilitate it, bro, mimin @KPK_RI. The judge: @kurniaramadhana @NajwaShihab @febridiansyah."
Not only Tigor, Aulia also revealed the new activities of the former Head of the Drafting of Regulations and Legal Products at the Legal Bureau of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Rasamala Aritonang. He said his colleague chose to farm in his hometown after being dismissed from the anti-corruption commission.
"Rasamala Aritonang's full name. Former Head of the Drafting of Regulations and Legal Products at the KPK Legal Bureau. One of the young geniuses and KPK legal experts," he wrote in another thread.
"After the dismissal of September 30, 2021, he chose to return to his hometown and help his family in farming," he added.
Aulia then told that Rasamala was a devout Christian and diligent in going to church. It's just that because of the tricks of the KPK leadership through TWK, his colleague was actually dismissed despite having a myriad of achievements.
"There are so many achievements of Rasamala at the KPK. He even accompanied 5 KPK leaders when discussing the Criminal Code Bill with the President at the Palace," said Aulia.
•RasamalaRasamala Aritonang's full name. Former Head of the Drafting of Regulations and Legal Products at the KPK Legal Bureau. One of the young geniuses and KPK legal experts. After his dismissal on September 30, 2021, he chose to return to his hometown and help his family with farming.
— paijodirajo (@paijodirajo) October 11, 2021
Not only that, Rasamala also turned out to be the mainstay of the KPK in dealing with pretrials proposed by corruptors. "If anyone wants to discuss the law, as well as buy corn from Bang Rasamala's harvest, they can go to Muara, Humbang Hasundutan Regency, North Sumatra," said Aulia.
Regarding his new activity, Rasamala said he had returned to his hometown for the past month. He deliberately returned home to help his grandfather's family business and to fill time after being dismissed at the end of last September.
"I'm really filling this temporary time with farming and raising livestock, coincidentally my grandfather's family in the village are farmers. I've been helping them with farming for almost a month," he told reporters.
"The photo is an activity to dry corn which must be dried and sold for animal feed needs and sometimes corn bread is made, the results are pretty good for life there apart from livestock and rice," added Rasamala.
In addition to the two employees, based on data held by the former Chairman of the KPK Employee Forum, Yudi Purnomo Harahap, there are six other employees who are now swerving into a new profession as traders besides Tigor. They are former investigator, Ronald Paul Signal; former Youth Public Relations Specialist, Ita Khoiriyah or Tata; to a former employee in the field of Corruption Detection and Analysis, Panji Prianggoro.
Previously, the former Deputy Chairperson of the KPK, Saut Situmorang, believed that the 57 former KPK employees who were expelled for failing to become ASN were strong people. He also said that dozens of people could not be pitied because they could actually work in a better place.
"They are strong people, people who have portfolios that I think can go to a much better place," said Saut when contacted by VOI some time ago.
"I always say, including at the opening of the emergency office, I say, 'if they eat, these children who trade meatballs can also eat'. But this is actually related to justice and honesty," he added.
However, dozens of these employees continue to resist the decision to dismiss them because of injustice in the TWK process. Moreover, the findings of the Ombudsman of the Republic of Indonesia and Komnas HAM agreed that there had been maladministration and violations of human rights during the process and implementation of the test.