Forum Kiai Kampung Usung Marsudi Syuhud At The NU Congress

SURABAYA - The Indonesian Village Kiai Communication Forum (FK3I) promoted KH Marsudi Syuhud as a candidate for the General Chair of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) at the 34th Congress which was scheduled to take place in Lampung on December 23-25.

The chairman of FK3I, Mas Muhammad Maftuch said that the General Chair of NU must be sensitive to the conditions and needs of the times, so it takes a leader of a cleric who is very "alim wa alamah wa faqih".

"This means that the person who is worthy to lead and lead NU to continue the leadership relay KH Said Aqil Siradj is a very pious and intelligent person. The qualification currently belongs to KH Marsudi Syuhud," said Gus Maftuch, his nickname quoted by Antara, Monday, October 11. .

Currently Marsudi Syuhud serves as one of the Chairs of the NU Executive Board (PB). Gus Maftuch assessed that apart from KH Marsudi Suhud, there was no other figure who was currently worthy to replace Said Aqil Siradj as the General Chair of PBNU.

"The capacity, capability and credibility, as well as the knowledge, wisdom and eloquence of KH Marsudi Suhud are practically the same as KH Said Aqil Siradj. Let's together as NU people and members of NU do istighatsah, tahlil, mujahadah and pray together that KH Marsudi Suhud is elected to lead NU at the NU congress in Lampung, in December," he said.

In line with Gus Maftuch, another FK3I administrator, AR Waluyo Wasis Nugroho, assessed that Marsudi Syuhud's ability was on par with Said Aqil Siradj.

"KH Marsudi Syuhud while accompanying Buya Said Aqil Siradj has proven his class as an NU leader. He always puts the interests and welfare of NU citizens first," he said.

Gus Wal, as he is affectionately known, said that during his tenure as Chairman of PBNU, Buya Said was always sensitive and concerned about the problems and sufferings of the "Nahdliyin" residents.

According to him, currently only Buya Said and KH Marsudi Syuhud are sensitive to the problems experienced by Nahdliyyin residents.

He gave an example, recently KH Marsudi Syuhud showed his concern for thousands of NU residents in Blaru Village, Badas District, Kediri Regency, East Java, whose agricultural land was affected by the activities of mining company C.

"He was in tears and his heart was very sad when seven NU farmers, who intended to defend their agricultural land, were called by the Kediri Resort Police, for allegedly obstructing mining activities," said Gus Wal.