462 Honorary Teachers In Hulu Sungai Tengah Failed The KDP Test

KALSEL - A total of 462 honorary and contract teachers did not pass the test for Government Employees with Work Agreements (PPPK) held by the Hulu Sungai Tengah Regency (HST), South Kalimantan.

"Participants who took part in the PPPK selection this year were 654 people and only 192 people passed, the rest failed," said Acting Head of the HST District Education Office Muhammad Anhar, in Barabai, as reported by Antara, Monday, October 11.

Anhar detailed that teachers who graduated were divided into two educational units, namely elementary and junior high schools.

Elementary school consists of 173 first class teachers, the first 3 Physical Education teachers and a total of 176 teachers.

"Meanwhile, in junior high school, there are 2 Indonesian language teachers first, 5 counseling guidance teachers, 1 physical education and physical education teacher expert, and 8 crafts and entrepreneurship teachers. So a total of 16 people for the junior high school education unit," he said.

While those who have not passed the details are 328 elementary school students and 134 junior high school students.

"After the disclaimer submission period is complete, the next schedule is the response to the disclaimer which will take place on October 12-18 and the announcement of the results of the first disclaimer on October 20," Anhar explained.

"For teachers who do not pass the competency selection stage I, they will follow the next selection. There are three stages of selection. Anyway, until the teacher formation quota is met," he explained. Phase II formation elections will be held October 24-30. The list of participants for the second phase of the selection starts on November 4, 2021.

The most striking formation of the first expert English teachers who did not pass. Of the 52 people who applied, none passed. Similarly, science teachers, out of 7 people took part in the selection but all failed.

Several other formations such as PPKN, ICT, and Cultural Arts teachers are still nil. For those who have not passed may submit a rebuttal on October 10-12, 2021.