Online Food Purchasing Amid The Rising Pandemic

JAKARTA - The COVID-19 pandemic that has attacked since March closed various business sectors. In an instant, the Large-Scale Social Restriction (PSBB) regulation shifted the consumption pattern of the Indonesian people.

Dr. Wisnu Wibowo, Lecturer at the Faculty of Economics and Business from Universitas Airlangga (FEB UNAIR) said that this shift in behavior was due to restrictions on access to the business environment. So that people choose to see online-based markets.

The most sought after are food products. Not only ready-to-eat food, but frozen food ingredients or what is known as frozen food. Moreover, the added rules of working from home (work from home)

"The demand for food packaging so that it can meet the hygienic aspect is increasing," said Wisnu, quoted from the UNAIR NEWS website.

This is a challenge for manufacturers to provide products with high standards and quality. The effect of a pandemic, people want the quality of food and packaging made to have high health standards.

Apart from culinary products, multi-vitamin products are the most sought-after and purchased. The corona virus, which can attack anyone, makes people feel anxious and adds multi-vitamins as their nutritional intake.

Do you often see people starting to exercise? Still from the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, people choose hobbies that don't take too much time but are still deemed effective. Therefore, sports equipment is the third most purchased item.

The Indonesian people are aware of the importance of preventing themselves from being exposed to COVID-19 and still adapting to an increasing lifestyle. Do any of you buy things or have new hobbies?