Management Of State Assets To Support The Indonesian Economy
JAKARTA - Deputy Minister of Finance (Wamenkeu) Suahasil Nazara encourages efforts to optimize state assets in the form of property such as buildings and buildings in order to support the Indonesian economy in the midst of increasing global turmoil.
"We have enormous state assets and if for the business world this should be a business field," he said in Jakarta, Wednesday, December 18.
Suahasil said the first step that could be taken was to organize the administration and ensure ownership so that its completeness and status became clearer so that the utilization of state assets in the form of property was maximized.
"There are so many that recording, administering, ensuring ownership, etc. is a must. That's at least once, "he said.
After that, Suahasil said that state assets in the form of buildings and buildings must also be managed and utilized optimally so that they have added value for state revenues.
"The top-up is managed because if you only have a certificate but have not managed it, the asset has not done anything," he said.
Therefore, he said, the Directorate General of State Assets (DJKN) would continue to cooperate with various parties such as the State Asset Management Institute (LMAN) and PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (SMI) in managing the country's assets.
Suahasil said the cooperation functions to map a variety of state assets scattered throughout Indonesia, such as the central government which has assets in cities and regions as well as regional government assets themselves.
On the other hand, he emphasized that coordination was not enough if it only involved one or two parties but also had to invite business actors, especially the property sector, so that management could be more professional.
Suahasil said that the use of state assets in the form of property was carried out for the welfare of the people because this sector was considered very important and was able to boost Indonesia's weakening economy.
"Instead of the building being abandoned, we repair it. If the economy is tough, usually the property sector can be the driving force, but if the sector is heavy the economy is also tough, "he said.
Meanwhile, the Director General of State Assets at the Ministry of Finance, Isa Rachmatarwata, said that efforts to optimize state-owned property are not only for profit but also for creating an ecosystem that has economic activity.
"It is not only revenue that we want to generate there, but creating new economic activities so that we think about how to generate new values. This will be an effective fiscal tool to build the economy, "he said.
The Director of State Property (BMN) of DJKN Encep Sudarwan said that efforts to optimize state assets are at the same time to show the government's potential in carrying out development because the issue of BMN is important due to the incessant infrastructure development.
"Our assets in the balance sheet are Rp. 2,400 trillion. We have already carried out a revaluation of Rp. 4,000 trillion to around Rp. 6,000 trillion, but we are still waiting for the BPK audit to pass. That's a big capital for development, "he explained.