During The COVID-19 Pandemic, Violence Against Children And Women In NTT Skyrocketed To 564 Cases
NTT - The East Nusa Tenggara Provincial Government stated that cases of domestic violence experienced by children and women increased during the COVID-19 pandemic to reach 564 cases in 2020.
"Based on the data we have received, it shows that cases of domestic violence experienced by women and children increased during the COVID-19 pandemic to reach 564 cases," said Head of the NTT Province Women's Empowerment and Child Protection Agency, Ilen Adriany when met in Kupang, Between, Monday, October 11th.
According to him, cases of domestic violence experienced by children and women officially reported through the Simponi application reached 564 cases in 2020.
He ensured that there were still many cases of violence against women and children that were not reported by the victims to the security forces.
"The number of cases of violence against children and women that occurred in 2019 was under 564 cases. We are still summarizing the cases that occurred in 2021," said Ilen Adriany.
He added that many cases of violence against women and children were resolved through peaceful means facilitated by religious leaders and NGOs who care about the protection of children and women in NTT.
According to him, cases of domestic violence experienced by children and women in East Nusa Tenggara Province in 2020 are high.
"We believe that there are still many cases that have not been reported because of many factors, such as families feeling ashamed if the victim reports his father or mother who has committed violence against children. Likewise, wives feel ashamed when reporting their husbands to the police for committing acts of violence," said Ilen Adriany.