Elon Musk Wants To Develop A Neuralink Chip That Can Play Music

JAKARTA - Tesla CEO Elon Musk always has unusual innovations. This time, he has just expressed his desire to develop a Neuralink chip that can stream music to the brain.

Quoting Digital Trends, the boss of the technology company wants to develop a Neuralink chip that can be ordered via brain waves. Musk even ensures that this technology will be coming soon.

"If we implement Neuralink, can we listen to music straight from our chips? Great feature." Before long, musk replied by tweeting "Yes," Thursday, July 23rd.

In addition, Musk also explained to other Twitter users that the Neuralink chip could also be used to help patients with obsessive komplusif disorder. According to Musk, the Neuralink chip can also control hormone levels, helping relieve anxiety and several other mental problems.

Musk wants to use Neuralink to help treat brain disorders, improve the performance of the human brain and act as a bridge in combining humans with artificial intelligence.

It is known that those who want to insert the Neuralink chip into the brain must go through a process similar to eye surgery using laser technology.

However, it is not yet known when this new feature or technology will be marketed soon. However, Musk recently said that there will be a progress update on August 28.

For your information, Neuralink was founded in 2016 and since then, the company has only had one public presentation on how the technology will work. Meanwhile, in 2019, Musk said that Neuralink was developing devices such as sewing machines that would provide a direct connection between a computer and a chip inserted into the brain.