Gibran Opportunity Supported Many Political Parties In Pilwalkot Solo

JAKARTA - The eldest son of Joko Widodo (Jokowi) Gibran Rakabuming Raka is increasingly sticking out in the 2020 regional head elections (Pilkada) in Solo. Not a few political parties have started to provide support for Gibran in Pilwalkot Solo.

The vote support for Gibran in Solo was also strengthened by the political vehicle he chose, namely the PDIP. Moreover, the party made by Megawati Soekarnoputri already has a majority of votes in the Solo DPRD to smooth out Gibran's steps.

Political observer from Al-Azhar University Ujang Komarudin sees political dynamics in the regional head elections in Solo. Opposition parties, such as PPP, PKB, PKS, and Gerindra, have begun to provide support for Gibran in the upcoming 2020 Solo City Pilkada.

"So in terms of political support, Gibran is strong and electability will also increase," said Ujang, when contacted by VOI, in Jakarta, Wednesday, December 18.

Ujang said that Gibran's political capital was sufficient, well known to the people of Solo, and had a great chance of being promoted by the PDIP and supported by other political parties.

Gibran in the 2020 Pilkada Solo, said Ujang, is a strong figure who is difficult for other candidates to fight. In fact, maybe no one will compete.

"Gibran is a tough rival for whoever his opponent is. In fact, there can be no rival. Can fight an empty box. In the end, Gibran will win," he said.

Previously, the United Development Party (PPP) would consider supporting the nomination of Gibran Rakabuming Raka as mayor of Solo in the 2020 Pilkada. Moreover, at the national level previously PPP had formed a coalition with PDIP.

"Because in Surakarta we don't get seats, then we will count on a vote-based count. Of course Mas Gibran will be one of the things we weigh. Moreover, we are with the PDI in a coalition. If we continue to the local level coalition there will be no problem, that's good," he said. PPP Wasekjen Achmad Baidowi, at the DPR Building, Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Tuesday, December 17.

PPP Wasekjen Achmad Baidowi (Mery Handayani / VOI)

If you look at the survey results that are currently circulating, said Baidowi, Gibran's prospects in the future are quite good. Moreover, Gibran has only recently appeared in politics, but is already in second place, overtaking the party leaders who are there.

"Even the party leaders who are there, do not know whether they are in the top 10 or not. That is a valuable asset for Mas Gibran. Do not look at the second number but see the increasing trend in the survey. For three months he always went up. That was the initial capital for Mas Gibran, "he explained.

Even so, said Baidowi, electability and popularity are not enough. Regional head candidates must also be equipped with consolidation. He considered that Gibran could maximize the machine network of political parties and volunteer machines.

"Mas Gibran, when he is appointed as a candidate pair, I am sure that his electability will be poked upwards even more," he said.

According to Baidowi, his party will determine its position to support the candidate for mayor of Solo in January 2020. This is because proposals will still be open until June.

"When will it be decided. PPP will decide later in January. Or February. Because the nomination of a candidate is still not June," he said.

Unlike PPP, which openly stated that it considered Gibran to be supported in the 2020 Solo Pilkada, the Democrat Party has not yet determined its support or not. However, as long as the candidate has the capability, the Democratic Party will support him.

"We give the opportunity to anyone, who wants to be advanced, capable and has sufficient space to be supported by the public, of course it is an option," Secretary General of the Democratic Party, Hinca Panjaitan, at the DPR, Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Tuesday, December 17 .

However, according to him, what is certain is that the Democratic Party will support the candidate who has the highest chance of winning in the area.

"We are proposing to win, the one who has the potential to win is higher. Therefore, electability is the popularity of the ideal measuring instrument," he said.

For now, he said, Democrat Party administrators open the door of communication for anyone who wants to be promoted or supported by their party. After that, the DPP will consider who will be promoted later.

"The management elites communicate, because once again, the number of seats in each regency / city, province cannot always be alone," he said.