Khofifah: 32 Regencies/Cities In East Java Enter Level 1 PPKM Ministry Of Health Assessment

MAGETAN - East Java Governor Khofifah Indar Parawansa stated that 32 of the 38 regencies/cities in the province entered the PPKM level 1 based on the results of an assessment of the COVID-19 situation from the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes).

"In East Java, in the past month there have been 32 regencies/cities entering level 1 according to a level assessment from the Ministry of Health. Meanwhile, six regencies/cities have entered level 2," said Governor Khofifah during a working visit to Magetan Regency, quoted by Antara, Sunday, 10 October.

According to him, the level assessment from the Ministry of Health is the WHO standard in monitoring the spread of COVID-19. The level assessment from the Ministry of Health refers to six parameters, including confirmed cases, hospitalization, death, testing, tracing, and treatment that is carried out massively and measurably, so as to produce an adequate predicate.

While the PPKM level assessment is based on the Ministry of Home Affairs Number 47 of 2021 concerning PPKM Level 4, Level 3, Level 2 and Level 1 COVID-10 in the Java and Bali regions, where the second point instructs the determination of the regional level plus the indicator of the achievement of total vaccination doses of 1 and 1 dose vaccination for seniors over 60 years of age from the vaccine target in each algomerization region.

"For example, the City of Surabaya. That's dose 1 is 100 percent, dose 2 is over 70 percent, the elderly dose 1 and 2 are also above 70 percent. However, it can't be called PPKM Level 1, because the area is calculated by algorithm. Look at the Bangkalan, Gresik, and Greater Surabaya algomerization areas," said Khofihah.

For the PPKM level assessment according to the Ministry of Home Affairs Number 47 of 2021 in East Java, there are 32 regencies/cities at level 3 PPKM and five districts/cities at level 2 PPKM, while one area is included in PPKM level 1.

The Governor of East Java explained that although the Ministry of Health level assessment had started to improve, his party asked the community to maintain and be disciplined in implementing health protocols.

Khofifah also asked local governments in the East Java region to continue to accelerate the implementation of COVID-19 vaccination so that group immunity is immediately formed and suppresses COVID-19 cases.