Supporting The League 1 Competition Continued, The Chair Of The COVID-19 Handling Task Force Asked PSSI For This

JAKARTA - It seems that the continuation of the League 1 competition will go ahead on schedule, namely on October 1. A good signal has been given by the Task Force for Handling COVID-19. League 1 can get permission to continue the competition, but there are conditions.

The head of the COVID-19 Task Force, Doni Monardo, wants the league to roll with the implementation of strict health protocols. He also gave a message to the top management of the Indonesian Football Association (PSSI) to invite all supporters who watch via streaming, television and others about the importance of health protocol provisions.

"Through football, we hope that there will be a campaign that starts with sports," said Doni when receiving a visit from the management of PSSI and PT Liga Indonesia Baru at the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) Graha in Jakarta, Wednesday, July 22, 2020.

PSSI General Chair, Mochamad Iriawan, said that his party had specifically asked for directions and directions for the sustainability of the Indonesian soccer competition. He admitted, there are several things that must be agreed upon by PSSI and all components of football, including supporters.

The man who is familiarly called Iwan Bule emphasized that PSSI agreed to the conditions requested by the Head of the COVID-19 Handling Task Force. PSSI and PT LIB will follow the existing health protocol rules.

"In our concept, of course, the number one health protocol. Second, because this is a competition during the Covid-19 period, of course we will follow several leagues in the world, without spectators, "said Ketum PSSI.

"Pak Doni Monardo agreed or gave us permission to do that, but health protocol is of course the main thing in this case," explained Iwan Bule.

Not only giving permission, continued Iwan Bule, the Head of the COVID-19 Handling Task Force also said that he would help when the competition rolled on. In fact, the COVID-19 Handling Task Force promised to provide swab test assistance to PSSI.

"This is an exciting thing for us. Please pray and support so that the competition can roll on in a timely manner, with our priority health protocol," he said.