Completing The Pasuruan Interbus Transformer National Strategic Project, PLN Saves IDR 78 Billion A Year

JAKARTA - PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara or PLN (Persero) has completed the Interbus Transformer (IBT) 3 project with a capacity of 500 MVA at the Grati Extra High Voltage Substation (GITET), Pasuruan, East Java. PLN invested Rp141 billion for this project.

PLN's Executive Vice President of Corporate Communications and TJSL, Agung Murdifi, this project has a significant impact on cost savings. The completion of the IBT 3 project at GITET Grati has enabled the company to maintain efficiency when other IBTs are being maintained.

"So that during maintenance we can still provide reliable supply and save IDR 78 billion for one year, from optimizing the use of the most efficient generator," he said in a written statement, Sunday, October 10.

Agung said the project is a national strategic project because it has an important role in increasing the reliability of electricity from Grati to Paiton through the 150 KV Gondang Wetan-Probolinggo SUTT.

Agung said this project could be completed in less than two years. The provision of voltage to the IBT has also been completed at the end of September 2021.

"In the midst of this pandemic, PLN is still trying to complete strategic projects such as the IBT#3 Grati extension. This project also has a significant impact on cost savings, because PLN can further optimize the use of the most efficient generators," said Agung.

In addition to cost savings, Agung explained that the operation of the IBT 3 Grati is also a fulfillment of conditions to prevent power overload in each IBT in GITET Grati.

"This new IBT can minimize the occurrence of disturbances caused by the excess power capacity of the previous IBT 1 and IBT 2. In the future, this IBT will distribute 322 MW of energy," he said.

In addition, said Agung, the completion of the IBT 3 Grati is a strategic step to prevent power loss which can be immediately addressed if there is a disturbance in the electricity subsystem in the Pasuruan, Probolinggo, Lumajang, and Jember areas.