Looking For Gibran's Challenger In The 2020 Solo Mayor Election

JAKARTA - Political observer from the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) Aisah Putri Budiarti said, there are several criteria that must be met for the candidate to challenge the son of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) Gibran Rakabuming Raka who will run in the 2020 Solo Mayor Election with Teguh Prakosa.

Among them have better political capacity than Gibran. This is because Gibran has never been directly involved in politics because so far he has been a businessman in the food sector. Thus, he does not have political experience and involvement in government.

Also, Gibran's opponents must have intense closeness with the public, especially in Solo, where the contest will be held.

"This is the right criterion for Gibran's rivals because this is Gibran's weakness," Putri said when contacted by VOI, Thursday, July 23.

However, Putri assessed that it would be difficult to find a rival for Gibran in the 2020 Pilwalkot Solo. Because Gibran was carried by the PDI Perjuangan which has a strong mass base in Solo.

"Second, as a son of the region, son of the president, and an entrepreneur, Gibran's social and financial capital are very strong," he said.

For that reason, Putri assessed that Gibran will be the sole candidate in the 2020 Pilwalkot Solo because it is difficult to find a balanced rival. "I think it's hard (looking for a rival Gibran, red) and the possibility (against, red) an empty box," he said.

Even though it is considered an opportunity to fight the empty box, the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) admits that it will not allow President Jokowi's eldest son to advance alone.

Chairman of the Central Java PKS Regional Representative Council (DPW) Abdul Fikri Faqih said Gibran would not be the sole candidate in the 2020 Solo Pilwalkot. Because democracy in Solo will be unhealthy when there is only one candidate in the Pilwalkot.

"When converging to one candidate pair is also not healthy. So I think this is the job of PKS even though there are only five (seats in the Solo City DPRD, red) but PKS is number two. So, yes, the job of PKS is to be healthy," Fikri told reporters, Tuesday , July 21.

PKS opens the opportunity to find a rival for Gibran-Teguh Prakosa in the 2020 Pilwalkot. "So that Solo should not only be forced by the public to have no options. I think so that they are free to choose. In the future there will be one vision and mission, the name doesn't choose. .

It is known, of the 45 seats in the Solo City DPRD, PDIP controls 30 seats. In second place is PKS with 5 seats. Next, the Golkar Party, Gerindra Party and PAN with three seats and 1 seat respectively were held by the Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI).

Meanwhile, to nominate a candidate pair in the election for mayor, party or coalition of parties must reach a minimum of 20 percent or 9 seats in the DPRD.

This, said Fikri, is what makes PKS now open the opportunity to communicate with other parties in order to present a rival for Gibran-Teguh Prakosa. Especially after the PDIP read out the recommendation from its general chairman, Megawati Soekarnoputri, to bring in Gibran.

"I think there are many opportunities. There are many possibilities that we in DPD PKS Solo will communicate more intensively with all parties," he concluded.