KALMNesia 2 Discusses Mental Health From Various Perspectives

JAKARTA - KALMNesia The second 2 days, October 10th, took place with great excitement. Various activities were carried out to discuss mental health from various perspectives. This virtual event opened with Yoga with Jodisthy Daminta. Therefore, during yoga, KALMNesia participants are invited to accept their body condition and relax it.

After Yoga, participants attended the Online Workshop: A Letter To My Inner Child with Kalmselor Wenny Aidina and Karina Negara. In this art, there is a series of journeys to take oneself back in time.

Not directly writing letters for the past, 80 participants who attended were invited to do a body scan. With the guidance of Wenny Aidina, KALMNesia 2 participants were invited to explore the body from head to toe. Find out the emotions left in the past in certain body parts.

"From that emotion we draw the body parts with a certain color. From here the letter to our childhood can be started to be written," he said.

It turned out that all the participants were enthusiastic to take part in the event. "No need to worry, the written letter does not need to be read so that the secret is maintained," he said.

Karina Negara added that whatever feelings one got in the letter, there was no need to be sorry. "We are not writing to regret but to see how far we have come. Make peace with yourself. If there is a problem that is not resolved, we can continue with KALMselor," he explained.

After the workshop, participants took part in a talk show with the theme Friendship in Limitations and Mental Health Warriors. There are Reza Chandika and Peter Shearer who share experiences about Friendship in Limitations.

"As we get older, friendship changes its priority. We can't force everything to stay the same. I think that's very selfish then. Don't expect friends to always come, because expectations kill. Why should we think about our friends, how we should do, I can only control myself myself," said Reza.

As cover, KALMNesia 2 was enlivened by the performances of Abia Athalia and Audrey Tapiheru.