Why We Hate Police: Polri Answered Case Of Sarpan Construction Workers

JAKARTA - Taking place at a coffee shop, Niche Coffee, Tebet, South Jakarta, Thursday, July 16, the VOI discussion on the topic Why Do We Hate Police? presenting Karopenmas Divhumas Polri Brig. Pol. Awi Setiyono. Awi answered about the case of maltreatment of construction workers, Sarpan, by unscrupulous members of the Percut Sei Tuan Police, Deli Serdang, North Sumatra.

Awi, in the discussion explained the provisions and procedures for internal inspection of the Police. What is Awi's explanation like? What is the reality on the ground?

In this discussion, Yolanda Cenderakasih as moderator, accompanied by Poengky Indarti, Commissioner of National Police Commission; Anggara, a senior researcher at the Criminal Justice Reform Institute (ICJR); and Nasir Djamil, Member of Commission III DPR RI.