Put On Horse Glasses, Airlangga Asks Cadres In DIY To Win The Golkar Party

Yogyakarta - Chairman of the Golkar Party, Airlangga Hartarto in front of cadres in Yogyakarta, reminded the party's target to win the 2024 General Election and Presidential Election. He asked to revamp the party structure to have a team that is ready to fight and win.

"Golkar wants to win, to win the most important thing is the party structure, and the party network must be formed and must be revitalized," said Airlangga during the briefing event for the General Chairperson of the Golkar party, Airlangga Hartarto, to Golkar Party Cadres in the Special Region of Yogyakarta, Friday (8/8). /10/2021).

Airlangga also appreciated the Chairman of the Golkar DPD DI Yogyakarta, Gandung Pardiman, for revitalizing the founders of Golkar in Yogyakarta. "If we want to win, then we have to have a team that wants to win. Teams who want to watch, ask to the side," said Airlangga, who was greeted by the readiness of the cadres.

He also asked the DPP and DPD administrators to wear "horse glasses" for the purpose of winning. "Anyway, you have to win. How to do it. It's up to Mr. Gandung," said Airlangga. "Don't come close to winning. It's okay to almost lose, because that means winning."

Airlangga also reminded that Yogyakarta is a mini Indonesia, where there are many campuses and students from various regions. As a student city, Yogya is seen as important because it is full of young people who are intellectually capable and can also influence other areas.

In addition to reminding the Golkar Party's future targets, Airlangga also praised the handling of the pandemic and economic recovery, in Yogyakarta.

Handling Covid-19 and Economic Recovery in the Special Region of Yogyakarta continues to improve. This was appreciated by the Chairman of KPCPEN as well as the general chairman of the Golkar Party, Airlangga Hartarto. Of the number of active cases in the region as of October 5, 2021, 1,064 cases were recorded. The condition of healing is even at 95.95 percent. The number is slightly below the national level of 95.97 percent.

Meanwhile, the number of deaths was recorded at 3.35 percent. This is better than the national death rate of 3.37 percent. Yogyakarta vaccination has also shown good performance. Vaccination in this student city has reached 85.16 percent or 2,453,402 for the first dose and 53.98 percent or 1,664,503 doses. Even for the third dose of vaccine there are already 20,748 doses.

For economic recovery, Yogyakarta should also be appreciated because its economic growth reached 11 percent in the second quarter of 2011. Whereas at the national level it was only 7.07 percent.

“Even though in Yogya there are no natural resources. This proves that the economic activities of the people in Yogya have been going well," said Airlangga.

Airlangga also monitors that all flights to Yogyakarta have been running well so far. Likewise, hotels, restaurants and cafes (Horeka) in special areas have almost recovered. "Although I have seen so far the level of compliance with wearing masks is almost slack. This can't be. Dangerous. Don't give slack, "said Airlangga.

The Coordinating Minister for the Economy of the Republic of Indonesia also reminded that if Yogyakarta from all regions on the island of Java, Yogya was the longest area at level 4. Even during the peak of Covid-19 cases, among regions throughout Java Island, the Bed Occupancy Rate in Yogyakarta included the tallest.

This made KPCPEN's attention to Yogyakarta very high, so that it sent members of the TNI and Polri to help handle cases in that area. Airlangga requested that the level of compliance and discipline in implementing the 3 M in Yogyakarta also continue to be improved. He did not want a similar case when Indonesia reached the highest active case of 574 thousand positive cases to repeat itself.

"Alhamdulillah, we are now able to handle it all and cases have dropped, in fact we are one of the best countries in handling the Covid-19 pandemic," said Airlangga. Currently, most areas in Yogyakarta have entered level 2. Only Yogyakarta City and Bantul Regency are still at level 3.

Airlangga also hopes that in handling the pandemic where the government applies a gas and brake system, now is the time for Yogyakarta to step on the gas again for economic recovery. "If it's still level 4 gas, it's all broken later. That's why gas and ream are very important," said Airlangga.