Minister Of ATR/BPN Calls His Men Become Land Mafia, Police Will Coordinate Investigation

JAKARTA - The National Police said they would coordinate with the Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/Head of the National Land Agency (ATR/BPN) regarding the issue of land mafia. Because the land mafia is said to have spread in the ministry.

"It will be coordinated when it comes to their internal affairs," said the Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Inspector General Argo Yuwono when confirmed, Saturday, October 9.

This statement is also a response from the National Police to the Minister of ATR/BPN Sofyan Djalil. Because, he previously stated that the land mafia had started to spread to his subordinates.

One example is a former Head of the BPN Regional Office (Kakanwil) in Jakarta who was involved in the land mafia. Although, at this time he has been fired and legally processed.

Apart from that coordination, Argo stated that there is already a separate task force in the eradication of the land mafia. In fact, the task force is a joint team from the National Police and the Ministry of ATR/BPN.

"There is already a land mafia task force between the National Police and BPN," Argo said.