Junior Roberts: There Was A Strange Sound In The Tree While Filming I Forgot I Was Injured

JAKARTA - The film I Forget I'm Luka is a new viewing option on KlikFilm. The story of this horror film begins one night in a dark forest a woman (Laura, 24 years) bursts out from the ground. His body was dirty and injured. He didn't know why he was buried, he didn't even remember who he was.

All he knew was that he had to run for help. Until finally he found the highway and stopped a car driven by Rey (28 years old).

Shalsabilla Adriani, who plays Laura in the film Aku Lupa Aku Luka, admitted that she was happy while filming this film. "Jerome taught me a lot. Because we are all the same age, so there were no problems during filming. Even though we just met while filming," he said during the gala premiere, Friday, October 8.

The same thing was conveyed by Jerome Kurniawan. "During the production process, we all had fun. We were together very closely. There was no fuss, everything went smoothly," added Jerome.

Slightly different from Jerome and Shalsabilla, Junior Roberts claimed to have heard voices from above the tree. "We filmed for a week, nothing strange happened. Only, at most we listened to it as if there was a sound on a tree. We just didn't think about anything," he said.

Meanwhile, Dewa Dayana admitted that during the shooting of this film, all health protocols were followed. "There is no worry during filming. Because we swab antigens every day, and all health protocols are strictly followed. At least what about us who have to take care of our health," he explained.

The director of the film Aku Lupa Aku Luka, Dyansunu Prastowo hopes that this film can be entertaining. "Hopefully Indonesian film lovers will be pleased with this film, and can entertain all audiences," he hoped. This film can be watched on KlikFilm with a subscription of Rp. 10 thousand/week.