Not Sightings, Bianda Hello Gets A Different Experience While Filming The Horror Movie Hompimpa

JAKARTA - The Hompimpa film starts airing today, Friday, October 8 at KlikFilm. Hompimpa tells that Angel, Jena, Niko, Ririn, and Lili are childhood friends who have a hobby of playing hompimpa and chasing. While in elementary school, the five of them took a field study organized by the school to visit a lake. But they do not know that this journey will lead them to a major disaster in their lives.

While playing hompimpa, Angel and Jena accidentally slip into the lake. The two children who cannot swim are trying to save themselves. Angel, taught by her abusive mother to always think of her own good, does whatever she can to keep her safe. This includes pulling and kicking Jena to get her up to the surface of the water.

Niko, Ririn, and Lili tried to help, but unfortunately they only managed to save Angel. Jena drowned and died. On that day, Angel, Niko, Ririn, and Lili promised not to tell anyone about the terrible incident.

Seven years later, these four friends are already in high school. While celebrating Ririn's 17th birthday, they all get a message from an unknown number, acknowledging her as Jena.

This unknown person asked the four of them to gather in an abandoned warehouse after school. Out of curiosity, they obeyed this person's wishes. But this is the wrong choice, because now they can not run from their actions anymore. They were forced to take responsibility for the mistakes they had committed seven years ago.

Hompimpa actor, Kenny Austin admitted that he was grateful that during the filming process there was no terrible incident. "There was nothing during filming, everything went smoothly without any interruptions," he explained during the virtual premiere gala, Friday, October 8.

The same thing was also expressed by Kenny Austin's co-star, Bianca Hello. "During the shoot, there were no strange disturbances. We just filmed outdoors, in the forest so the location was not comfortable. Especially when it was the rainy season," he explained.

Meanwhile, Arie Azis, the director of the Hompimpa film, said that the main obstacle in this film is patience." The name of the shooting location is that there must be a watchman. However, if there are no disturbances of any kind. The challenge is because it involves a lot of small children, so it takes extra patience. ," he said.