Kalsel Teliti Puruk Amai Rawang Archaeological Center In Gunung Mas

KUALA KURUN - Archaeological Research Center, Hartatik, conducted research on ancient fortified dwellings and the socio-political life of the Ot Danum community in the upstream Kahayan Watershed (DAS), Central Kalimantan.

"In 2012 carbon research was carried out on objects suspected of being cultural heritage objects in Puruk Amai Rawang. Currently, we will carry out data collection activities, following up on previous research," he said, quoted by Antara, Friday, October 8.

Hartatik said that the research team consisted of various groups, including from several universities involving various academics from various disciplines.

Later, the research results can be used by local governments to be developed again, to support various things such as strengthening the character of the younger generation, supporting tourism, and others.

Hartatik explained that the research is planned to be carried out until October 21. His party has also prepared various things so that the research runs well, safely and smoothly.

The Head of the Culture and Tourism Office, Gumas Eigh Manto, welcomed and was ready to support the research plan to be carried out by the Archaeological Center in Puruk Amai Rawang.

"If we do research, it will certainly cost a lot of money. Currently, the Archaeological Center is willing to help carry out research by bringing in experts," said Eigh Manto.

According to him, the results of research from the Archaeological Center on Puruk Amai Rawang will be very useful for the Gumas Regional Government and can be used to determine the direction of regional policies in the future.

Eigh Manto hopes that in the future the research will continue, both in Puruk Amai Rawang and in other locations in the district nicknamed 'Habangkalan Penyang Karuhei Tatau'.

"Disbudpar Gumas will always try to establish cooperation, both with the province, the Archaeological Center, and even the ministry," he said.

Puruk Amai Rawang is a hill located in Upon Batu. Here, there is the former Betang Tamanggung Amai Rawang, with remnants of it in the form of poles or pillars supporting the betang, the grave of Tamanggung Amai Rawang and his wife, and others.