PPP Consider Supporting Gibran In Solo

JAKARTA - The United Development Party (PPP) will consider supporting the nomination of Gibran Rakabuming Raka as mayor of Solo in the 2020 Pilkada. Moreover, at the national level previously PPP had formed a coalition with PDIP.

"Because in Surakarta we don't get seats, then we will count on a vote-based count. Of course Mas Gibran will be one of the things we weigh. Moreover, we are with the PDI in a coalition. If we continue to the local level coalition there will be no problem, that's good," he said PPP Wasekjen Achmad Baidowi at the DPR Building, Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Tuesday, December 17.

Baidowi said, reflecting on the previous Pilkada, the candidates he supported always lost when faced with candidates nominated by PDIP. Therefore, his party considered forming a coalition.

"Starting from Pak Jokowi, he always loses. When Pak Rudi joins us and wins. So tomorrow we hope that PPP will bring in candidates who have quite an open winning trand," he explained.

If you look at the survey results that are currently circulating, said Baidowi, Gibran's prospects in the future are quite good. Moreover, Gibran has only recently appeared in politics, but is already in second place, overtaking the party leaders who are there.

"Even the party leaders who are there do not know whether they are in the top 10 or not. So, it is a valuable asset for Mas Gibran. Do not look at the second number but the trend of the increase in the survey. every three months he always goes up. That is the initial capital for Mas Gibran, "he explained.

Gibran Rakabuming Raka when visiting Megawati's residence (Wardhany Tsa Tsia / VOI)

Even so, said Baidowi, electability and popularity are not enough. Regional head candidates must also be equipped with consolidation. He considered that Gibran could maximize the machine network of political parties and volunteer machines.

Awiek, his nickname, reminds him, don't be lulled by the popularity that has started to good. However, as initial capital it is good. According to him, Gibran only had to think about how to strengthen its structure if supported by a party coalition.

"Mas Gibran, when he is appointed as a candidate pair, I am sure that his electability will be poked upwards even more," he said.

According to Baidowi, his party will determine its position to support the candidate for mayor of Solo in January 2020. This is because proposals will still be open until June.

"When will it be decided. PPP will decide later in January. Or February. Because the nomination of a candidate is still not June," he said.