KPK Continues To Follow Up On The Truth Of 'Insider' Allegations Of 'Insider' Azis Syamsuddin Even Though Evidence Is Still Weak

JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Nurul Ghufron said evidence of the existence of 'insiders' in his institution who protected former Deputy Speaker of the Indonesian House of Representatives Azis Syamsuddin was still weak. Moreover, this allegation emerged from the statements of other people at the trial.

"It's still a de audito testimony, which means it's not a testimony but conveys someone else's statement that AZ has eight insiders," Ghufron told reporters at the KPK's Red and White Building, Kuningan Persada, South Jakarta, Friday, October 8.

Even so, the KPK will continue to dismantle the allegations and follow up on any available information. Including, the information revealed in the Minutes of Investigation (BAP) belonging to the Regional Secretary (Sekda) of Tanjungbalai City Yusmada.

"All information regarding the alleged violation will certainly be followed up. So that there is information about eight subordinates or insiders, of course then we will follow up if it can be proven," said Ghufron.

"Of course, once again, the KPK is committed to dismantling it all," he added.

As previously reported, information regarding the presence of insiders to protect Azis Syamsuddin was revealed during a hearing at the Corruption Court on Monday, October 4 yesterday.

At that time, the KPK prosecutor read out the BAP belonging to the Regional Secretary Tanjungbalai Yusmada who was presented as a witness for the defendant Stepanus Robin Pattuju. He is a former anti-corruption commission investigator who received bribes from managing five cases, including Azis Syamsuddin.

In the BAP, Yusmada said that he heard from the Mayor of Tanjungbalai, M Syahrial, that Azis Syamsuddin had eight people in the KPK who could be mobilized to secure the case against him. One of them is Stepanus Robin Pattuju while the other is not mentioned.