Raising Funds Can Now Be Through Instagram

JAKARTA - Instagram is testing a fundraising feature that allows its users to collect donations. This service can be used for personal or other purposes.

Launching from Techcrunch, Instagram began testing this feature on a limited basis for the United States (US), UK, and Ireland. To raise funds through the Personal Fundraiser service, Instagram users can select the 'add fundraiser' tab, or 'raise money'.

This feature is similar to the Live Donations sticker that Instagram launched some time ago. Where anyone can use the donation sticker to donate or raise personal funds.

Instagram fundraising service (doc. Instagram)

This fundraiser will last on Instagram for 30 days from the time the user goes live and can be extended according to the creator's needs. This fundraiser must be 19 years of age or older.

Donors can also choose to disclose themselves or anonymously, when donating their funds. Instagram, under the auspices of Facebook, recorded that it has collected donations through Stickers for Stories and Live Donations during the COVID-19 pandemic.

In fact, this fundraising feature has become a popular activity across the Facebook platform. For example, users have raised more than US $ 100 million for the COVID-19 initiative and pandemic.

Although this feature has a positive impact, Instagram has not yet explained when this service will be made available to global users. Including whether this service will be charged or free.